A Joint Macro- and Microscopic Authentication Key for Pharmacognostic Analysis of Croci Sativi Stigma and Its Common Adulterants on the Bulgarian Market
Asen Stoyanov
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Abstract. One of the most expensive spices and herbal substances – the saffron threads, is produced from the stigmas of Crocus sativus L. The low number of stigmas per flower, labour-intensive harvesting and high demand drive its high cost but also make it a significant target for adulteration…
Placing Students at the Center of the Learning Process through the Use of STEAM Project-based Education in the Middle Education Stage – Methodical Guidelines for Teachers
Stanislava Yordanova
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Private School “Tzar Simeon Veliki” - Ivanyane, Sofia
Absract. The article argues for the choice of a project-based approach as the primary method to enhance interest in the subjects Man and Nature, Physics and Astronomy, Information Technologies by placing them at the center of the learning process...
Lessons for University Education – What is Useful to Borrow from School Education?
Katerina Sakaliyska, PhD
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. In recent years, school education in Bulgaria (and abroad) has undergone rapid transformation, focusing on a competency-based approach to teaching, continuous teacher improvement, development of teaching methods to adapt to the dynamic present and the specifics of new generations...
Opportunities for Non-formal Environmental Education through the “Environment” Education Programme
Dr. Milka Asenova
Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water - Veliko Tarnovo
Absract. The article presents an educational program “Environment”, developed in the framework of a dissertation research on the place and role of non-formal education in enhancing geo-ecological education of young people...
STEM Mathematical Workshop for Little and Big in Mathematics Training in the Preparatory Group of the Kindergarten
Penka Borisova, Assist. Prof.
Departament of Information and In-service Teacher Training
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The new needs of children require flexibility in teaching, as well as in the entire educational process, which should be distinguished from the traditional methodology and conservative models of learning...
Application of Graphical Problems in Chemistry Education
Dr. Antoaneta Angelacheva, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. Solving graphical problems brings potential opportunities for students to master knowledge and skills to create and use graphical models – sketches, schemes, drawings, tables, etc...
Offshore Heavy Oil Displacement Using Water Flooding: Flow Characteristics and Efficiency
Sudad H. Al-Obaidi 1), Wang J. Chang 2), Falah H. Khalaf 3)
1)Mining University (Russia)
2)University of Xidian (China)
3)Knowledge University (Iraq)
Abstract. In water flooding, residual oil is displaced by injecting water into the reservoir formation. Oil displaced from injection wells is physically swept to adjacent production wells by water. Compared to conventional oil fields, offshore heavy oil fields have low oil recovery using water flooding. If we had a better knowledge of the flow characteristics of the water and oil phases, it would be very useful to improve the oil recovery of the heavy oil reservoir…