Prof. Dr. Dobromir Dobrev
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. Freedom in the context of the ethical views of the Russian classics – Berdyaev, Solovyov, Dostoevsky and others, is examined. Emphasis is placed on freedom and the enormous challenges to achieve it. The faith in Man and the possibility for divine incarnation is a distinctive characteristic of Russian religious philosophy. The second part examines Solovyov’s formulations of the Good and its realization. His polemics with Kant for the Moral Good and the Highest Good is presented here. Berdyaev’s thesis for the relationship between Man and God is also investigated. Just as Man needs God, God also needs Man.
Keywords: Freedom; good; evil; Christianity; God; Moral Good; Highest Good; Berdyaev; Solovyov; Dostoevsky
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