Dr. Ivan Angelov, Assist. Prof.
Софийски университет „Св. Климент охридски“
Absract. The development of innovations has an inevitable impact on the ability of organizations to innovate. Reducing costs and increasing the quality of services force organizations to adapt to the ever-changing environment constantly and adequately. The extremely fast development of information and communication technologies gives grounds to believe that innovations will be a key factor in achieving competitiveness and will continue to be a major challenge for companies in the future. This article presents detailed information on a study of the innovation capability of organizations that belong to the industrial sector “Information and Communication Technologies” (ICT) in Bulgaria. A statistically substantiated comparative analysis of the characteristics of the innovation ability is done. The subject and object of the research are presented. Both methodology and logic for testing the research hypothesis are described in detail. The obtained results confirm the main research thesis related to the importance and role of industrial clusters for increasing the innovation capability of organizations.
Keywords: innovations; innovation capability; industrial cluster