Dr. Galina Georgieva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Creating personal electronic portfolio requires that the author knows very well its significant personal characteristics and acquisitions as well as the requirements of the electronic portfolio’s online audiences. This paper attempts to present data analysis about important aspects of the personal electronic portfolio planning. The students’ attitudes towards these different aspects may reveal some important perspectives for improving the process of planning. In the paper is presented the opinion of 46 students from the Faculty of Education of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The majority of the participants admit the advantages of having electronic portfolio samples in support of the process of creating their own electronic portfolio. According to the students’ opinion it is very usefully if the tutor provides appropriate examples of electronic portfolio’s goals. Shown are some difficulties for creating an electronic portfolio, based on its online audiences’ requirements. In the process of electronic portfolio planning the tutor and the future employers’ requirements are seen as most significant requirements.
Keywords: electronic portfolio; students; attitudes; planning; virtual identity; online audience