Dr. Ivan Stanchev, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The article reviews military missions of 16th border batallion during First World War. It starts in the 1916 in Dobrudja, then during the period 1916 – 1917 conducts operations in Romania and in 1918 at Macedonian front. In two years, in campaigns and battles, the company traveled over 2000 km. There is no other border formation with such a long battle route. The various geographical conditions for conducting the combat operations, the different enemies and combat tasks require the batallion to use various tactical options, which is not typical for the regular military formations. A unique combat experience has been gained that has not been studied for more than 100 years.
Keywords: border; First World War; Dobrudja front; Macedonian front; border troops tactics