Prof. Dr. Nazip Khamitov 1),
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Krylova 2),
Olena Romanova 2)
1) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
2) National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The authors of the article analyze the influence of the numinous as an existential state and the structure of the unconscious, which causes sacred amazement and fear in a person on the choice of love in its gender-based manifestations. On the basis of the methodological strategy of metaanthropology, the choice of love is conceptualized in the ordinary, the ultimate and the transcendent existential dimensions of human being, which correspond to the ordinary, the personal and the philosophical worldview. In the methodological coordinates of C. Jung’s psychoanalysis, the manifestations of the numinous in the archetypes of Anima and Animus and their influence on the decisive manifestation of love in the life of a man and a woman during the formation of a worldview are investigated.
The actualization of the philosophical worldview, in which there is a free maturation of ideals, values, the destruction of outdated worldview attitudes and the establishment of a new being, leads to the integrity of the personality and the unity of individuals in love and co-creation. Under the influence of this, the emphasis in the numinous changes from horrible to sacred. This leads to worldview freedom in the choice of love, which becomes truly humanistic and constructive.
Keywords: love; choice of love; numinous; existence; gender; unconscious; archetypes; culture; worldview; metaanthropology