Dr. Tzvetan Radulov
Scientific Archive
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
15, November 1 St.
1040 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: zvetanjradulov@gmail.com
Absract. In 1869 a Bulgarian Learned Society in Braila was finally founded, as
realization of an idea of the Bulgarian Revival community from the 1850s. From
the beggining the Bulgarian Learned Society and its leaders are actively involved
in European scientific life, using the experience of the work of similar institutions.
Thanks to the efforts of several leading figures, a network of contacts is quickly
established, which contributes to the further development of the Society. This
article provides information on the BLS‘s connections with various individuals
and foreign scientific organizations at the its initial stage, and aims to present and
analyze the various factors that influence the development of such relationships.
Keywords: Bulgarian Learned Society; Bulgarian Revival; Marin Drinov; Konstantin Irechek