The Translation Studies in Bulgaria at the Turn of the XXI Century
Abstract. This article draws up an inventory of Translation studies in Bulgaria at the turn of the XXI century. It highlights some salient works from the post-totalitarian period, which have attempted to change the Translation studies’ goals and priorities at Bulgarian universities.
Keywords: Higher education; translation; translation studies
Prof. Irena Kristeva, DSc., Dr. Alexandra Jeleva
University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Syntactic Relation
Absract. The parameters of the syntactic relation and the mechanism of its formation are investigated.Variations in which the same positioning has a different syntactic function are indicated. Contact and distance can be considered as prototypes of the syntactic relation. We consider the use of a prototype correct, because the syntax assumes that there are both semantic relations and relationships that express them between the parts of the sentence. What predetermines or takes away the relationship is contact or distance.
Keywords: predication; comma; relation syntax
Prof. Mariana Georgieva, DSc.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Active Russian-Bulgarian Compatibility Dictionary
Absract. The article examines pairs of Russian-Bulgarian lexical units characterized by a high degree of formal and semantic similarity. Specific examples confirm the thesis that the dictionary article is a comprehensive and illustrative form for presenting the results of a comparative study. The dictionary articles are developed in accordance with the principles of active lexicography. The different meanings of lexical units are differentiated and detailed, and a much larger amount of information about their compatibility, their pragmatic and cultural features is provided. This model can also be applied in teaching the Russian language to Bulgarians.
Keywords: active lexicography; compatibility; Russian-Bulgarian Dictionary
Dr. Nadezhda Deleva
University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Slovak Studies Abroad and Lectorates of Slovak Language and Culture at Universities Worldwide
Absract. The paper discusses Slovak studies abroad focusing on lectorates of Slovak language and culture worldwide. It describes a current form of their functioning based on international bilateral contracts and contracts between universities, as well as the position of Slovak studies in the frame of philological and Slavic education at foreign universities, and current dynamics reflected in numbers of lectors (since some lectorates abroad were closed whereas others were established). The paper also mentions criteria for lectors of Slovak language and culture abroad, namely qualification requirements, selection process, models of financing lectorates as well as issues related to the labour code and legal issues. The paper also describes forms of the methodical support for lectors in the area of Slovak as a foreign language, namely preparing and distributing didactic materials, textbooks and methodical guidelines, seminars, summer schools, scholarships, mobilities, as well as accredited programmes of further professional preparation of lectors.
Keywords: studies abroad; lectorates of Slovak language and culture; criteria for lectors; qualification presupposition; methodical and financial support
Prof. Dr. Miloslav Vojtech
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Modern Technologies and Their Role in (Foreign) Language Training
In the 21st Centuy
Absract. The article is based on modern technologies and their role in (foreign) language learning in the 21st century. The main objective is to identify ways in which information and communication technologies can facilitate the process of foreign language acquisition and make it faster and more successful. Particular attention has been paid to computer-assisted language learning, internet technologies and mobile-assisted language learning, as they are essential and influential in the creation of foreign language teaching systems, the preparation of (foreign) language teachers and (foreign) language training in general.
Keywords: CALL; MALL; Web; mobile learning; blended learning; augmented reality
Mr. Georgi Dzhumayov
Institute for Bulgarian Language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
“The Rose of Transfiguration” – on the Polilog between Alexey Veselovsky, Vyacheslav Ivanov and Waan Teryan
Absract. We consider peculiarities of poetic meaning creation in the processes of intertextualization and contextualization while analysing a unique case of a polylogue between an academic scholar (A.N. Veselovsky) and poets belonging to different languages and cultures (Vyach. Ivanov, V. Teryan). Veselovsky’s article “From the poetics of a Rose” became a source for Ivanov’s poem “The Rose of Transfiguration”, then it became the basis for the sonnet of V. Teryan. We demonstrate that intertextuality is a complex and non-linear interaction between texts and meanings. The archetypal semantics of the rose and the motives of flame, blood, and also death and resurrection associated with it are contextualized in relation to the Christian holiday, personal myth-making, the tragic events of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. The mythopoetic semantics of the symbol synthesizes various cultures and poetic traditions, creating opportunities for multidimensional semantization and partial translatability of different “texts-echoes”. Expressing new content in different contexts, semantics is based on the same symbols; this leads to a cascade-like actualization of their potential, especially when considering texts connected by intertextual relations in their integrity - as a kind of super-text.
Keywords: A. N. Veselowsky; Vyach. Ivanov; V. Teryan; intertextuality; poetic semantics; contextualization; rose as a symbol.
Acad. Prof. Suren Zolyan
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
Yerevan, Armenia
Russian Courtesy Mannerism – Avant-Garde Brilliance in a Postmodern Context
Absract. The article studies a phenomenon from the end of XX century in Russian poetry, which is distinguished by its own philosophy and the impulse to revive the refined vocabulary in Russian literature; to bring back to life the cult of beauty, personal life and pleasure, as opposed to the collectivist messages of the Soviet era and the cold breath of the totalitarian winter. The outward manifestations of the works of courtesy poets – the quotient polyphony, the travesties and mystifications, the sarcastic game of their poems – are very reminiscent of postmodern deconstruction. In our view, however, considering its ambition, message, and impulse, this phenomenon is a late avant-garde, realizing its aspirations in a postmodern interior. One of the most characteristic features of the late avant-garde, as well as the avant-garde of the 10s of the XX century, is the rebellious attitude of the spirit, the search for new horizons of meaning. The already known and established is rejected. The skepticism of this art is related to distrust of the adopted measures and categories, hence the negation of the laws, the affirmation of creative improvisation, of the work born in the act of reading. The claim of significance of the word in relation to the fate of culture and art is also preserved.
Keywords: Avant-gard; manierizm; postmodern; Russian poetry
Prof. Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova, DSc.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
The Foreign Lector as a Bridge between Languages and Cultures
Absract. The introductory part of the article is bringing a short overview of history of Bulgarian studies at Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava. Irreplaceable role of foreign lector while studying foreign languages is emphasized and demands placed on his professional and intercultural competences are presented. The second part of the article is focused on a significant Bulgarian Slavist and Slovakist Ivan Buyukliev, specifically his role of a lector at Comenius University in Bratislava. Author mentions mainly less well-known circumstances of his stay, as was for example defence of doctoral thesis on relative clauses’ structure in Codex Suprasliensis or his last article published in Slovakia on Dora Gabe’s lecture stay in Bratislava in 1931.
Keywords: Bulgarian studies at Faculty of Arts; Comenius University in Bratislava; foreign lector; professional competences; intercultural competences; professor Ivan Buyukliev
Prof. Dr. Mária Dobríková
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
On the Occasion of 90th Anniversary of Academician Yuri D. Apresyan
Prof. Dimitar Vesselinov, DSc., Dr. Nadya Deleva, Assist. Prof.
Foreign Language Teaching JournalSofia University
Contemporary Approach toward Challenges of Maritime Higher Education in Communications
Dr. Valentin Vasilev
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Varna, Bulgaria