Colloquial Vocabulary For Parts Of The Human Body In Bulgarian And Polish
Absract. The object of research is the colloquial vocabulary in Bulgarian and Polish from the thematic area 'parts of the human body'. The aim is to consider in a comparative plan the main nomination techniques for the formation of language units in both languages. The language material consists of colloquial tokens, extracted from Bulgarian and Polish lexicographical sources, catalogs and from the real language practice. It turns out that the main means of nomination in both languages is the secondary nomination. There are also quite a few borrowings from foreign languages. Word formation is also used, primarily as an aid. The analysis reveals significant similarities, but also interesting differences between the two languages in the study area.
Keywords: Bulgarian language; Polish language; colloquial vocabulary; body parts
Prof. Petar Sotirov, DSc.
Maria Curie-Sklodovska University in Lublin
Fairy Tale Lesson In Teaching Russian As A Foreign Language
Absract. The article is focused on the use of fairy tales material in classes with foreign students who speak Russian in the volume of basic and intermediate levels (B1). The model of a non–standard fairy tale lesson is described and designed, methodological recommendations for organizing work with the material of the Russian fairy tale, a system of tasks and exercises aimed at developing lexical and grammatical skills, as well as the development of socio-cultural and intercultural competence of students are proposed.
Teaching materials are intended for students of the International Qualification School “Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language” (Varna, Republic of Bulgaria).
Keywords: fairy tale lesson; socio-cultural competence; intercultural competence; teaching Russian as a foreign language
1) Prof. Dr. Galina Shamonina
2) Ms. Maya Muratova, Research Fellow
Varna Free University, Varna, Bulgaria
Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia
Theatre In English Philology Study Programmes
Absract.The article deals with the extracurricular role of student-operated English-speaking theatre at the Department of British and American Studies at Comenius University in Bratislava. For a decade now, the theatre group has extended and enriched the study programmes in translation, interpreting, and in teacher training.
Keywords: Their activities enhance practical study of language, improve linguistic and cultural awareness, and develop interpretational and aesthetic competences. Students learn to work individually and in teams, are involved in project management and inter-institutional communication (university, NGOs, civic associations, corporations). Using theatre activities aids students in applying their knowledge and skills to a variety of current labour market requirements.
Dr. Ivan Lacko
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Dye, Color, Hue. How The Idea Of Color Evolved In The Course Of History
Absract. The idea of color evolved step by step with the development of civilization. In the most archaic societies, it was light and darkness that received a verbal layout. The next stage is the "variegated -colorless" opposition. The idea of “color in general" often develops in connection with the idea of "skin color". In the historical development of languages, particularly dye ware gives impetus to the development of color terminology.
Bright, saturated colors are highly valued and colorful is perceived as beautiful. Pigments and colors are related to the culture and around the color names cultural circles could be circumscribed that contain common elements.
Keywords: light-and-shade; colorfulness; skin color; wordbuilding; dye-stuff; culture circles
Mr. Ilya Zlatanov
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Video Meeting Of The Students In Bulgarian Studies From Bratislava And Ljubljana Dedicated To Ss. Cyril And Methodius
1) Dr. Miglena Mihaylova-Palanska
2) Dr. Milen Malakov
1) Comenius University - Bratislava, Slovakia
2) University of Ljubljana - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Yuri Lotman As A Subject And A Metalanguage
Zolyan, S. (2020). Yuri Lotman: On meaning, text, history. Themes
and variations. Moscow: LRC-Press. ISBN: 978-5-907117-81-5
Dr. Tatiana Tsvigun, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Alexey Chernyakov, Assoc. Prof.
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University - Kaliningrad, Russia
One Renewed Advanced Learners’ Book
Poromanska, S. (2020). Τα νέα ελληνικά για προχωρημένους. Ελληνοβουλγαρικά παράλληλα κείμενα (γ‘)/ Novogratski ezik za naprednali. Gratsko-balgarski tekstovi paraleli (III). Veliko Tarnovo: Rovita,
464 pp. ISBN: 9789548914413
Dr. Kalin Vassilev
Department of Foreign Languages
Academy of Ministry of Interior
Innovations In The Process Of Teaching Bulgarian As A Foreign Language
Hadzhieva, E., Manova, R. & Shushlina, V. (2020). Inovativni praktiki
v chuzhdoezikovoto obuchenie. Balgarski ezik kato chuzhd. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“. 181 pp.
ISBN 978-954-07-4904-4.
Maya Padeshka
Sofia University
On The Features Of A Quasi-Symbol
1) Prof. Grigoriy Тokarev, DSc.
2) Dr. Nadya Cherneva, Assoc. Prof.
1) Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Tula, Russiа
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Expression Of Emotions And Reaction To Them As An Object Of Learning In Russian As A Foreign Language Lessons
Absract. The aim of the research is to develop a model for teaching the expression of emotions and reaction to them in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language (level B2). During the research, methods of analyzing the catalogue of emotions, modelling, experimental training, questionnaires, and testing are used. The article describes a training model that includes an introductory stage, a training stage, and a speech practice stage, and has been tested in four universities in St. Petersburg. A control cross-section conducted after experimental training and a survey of students show the effectiveness of this training option.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language; teaching methods; expression of emotions; reaction to emotions; learning model
Ms. Daria Kovrizhkina, Prof. Leonid Moskovkin, DSc.
St. Petersburg State University
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Electronic Resources As An Assistant In Studying Russian Language During Modern Realities
Absract. The article describes a way for communication with native speakers during the period of online learning of the Russian language in the context of modern realities.
Keywords: theory of teaching; Russian as a foreign language; Internet; mobile applications