Pedagogical Views of Todor Ikonomov
Absract. The article presents the pedagogical views and activity of Bulgarian teacher and revivalist Todor Ikonomov (1838 – 1892) in the development of the Bulgarian pedagogical thought and practice. Based on the wholly researched heritage of documents and work of the revivalist, the research follows the life and activity, in relation to education, of Todor Ikonomov before and after the Liberation of Bulgaria. Ikonomov does not follow or create a particular pedagogical theory or educational system. His pedagogical views are based on a realistic assessment of the current state and needs of the Bulgarian education.
Keywords: Todor Ikonomov; Bulgarian school; pedagogical views
Dr. Milena Georgieva
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Phonics and Instruction in Reading Comprehension for Pupils with Dyslexia: Six Literacy Teachers’ Perspective
Abstract. The paper presents the perspectives of six literacy teaching professionals on the use of phonics and reading comprehension in the instruction of English to pupils with dyslexia. Although synthetic phonics is one of the major components of intervention work for children with reading difficulties, reservations for its panacea-like attitudes have been expressed combined with a recommendation for a shift away from individual sound instruction towards work on larger sublexical and lexical units. Enhancing reading comprehension skills has been identified as an important element of reading instruction, though underestimated by some of the respondents in the study, and in spite of it not being normally compromised in pupils with dyslexia. The overuse of books based on regular phonetic patterns is strongly criticized as it deprives children of involvement with the text and do not reflect natural language.
Keywords: dyslexia; phonics; reading comprehension; teachers; English
Blagovesta Troeva-Chalakova
New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria)
A Continuum of Approaches to School Inspections: Cases from Europe
Abstract. School inspection systems have undergone a transformation in response to the changing social and economic scenarios across Europe. However, two major approaches can easily be identified that also define the two ends of the continuum of the approaches to school inspection. On one end is a high stake sanctions oriented inspection while on the other end is the low stakes advisory inspection. The elements that contribute to the rigour of school inspection include governance arrangements, statutory powers of the inspectorate including powers of sanction, the forms and frequency of inspection visits, the level of emphasis on school self-evaluation and action planning for improvement; and availability of support services for the schools. The current paper presents four cases from Europe: Bulgaria, Ireland, Greece and Spain (Extremadura) describing how school inspection is organised in these countries as defined in the governing legislation and to which end of the continuum their inspection system is tilted in the light of that case’s performance on the above indicators. Towards the end, this paper makes a comparison of the cases and suggests why the relationship of trust and respect between inspectors and the inspected is stronger in some cases and how developing inspection systems can benefit from analysing the established systems.
Keywords: continuum; high stakes; low stakes
Rossitsa Simeonova, Yonka Parvanova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Martin Brown, Gerry McNamara, Sarah Gardezi, Joe O’Hara
Dublin City University (Ireland)
Laura del Castillo Blanco
Regional Government of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain)
Zacharoula Kechri, Eleni Beniata
Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Greece)
Foreign Language Suggestopedia at School
Absract. The present article focuses on the long standing experimental work of suggestopedia in the area of foreign language teaching at school. It surveys the specific ways of structuring the teaching materials and teaching process for different age groups (first to seventh grade of the Bulgarian school) in compliance with the principles and methods of suggestopedia. It reveals the original character of the main application areas of school suggestopedia related to integrated language and subject teaching (grade one), accelerated formation of initial reading skills in L2 (grade two), the introduction of concert sessions and subsequent activities for children (grades two to seven), the global-artistic approach aimed at developing cultural and communicative competence of learners (grades VI – VII). The experience of the classical period tests its validity against some recent developments of ELT school suggestopedia.
Keywords: school suggestopedia; language teaching;
reading skills; communicative competence; cultural competence; suggestopedic coursebooks
Галя Матева
Technical university – Sofia
Pedagogical Technology for Assessing the Musical Training of Future Primary Teachers
Abstract. Some aspects of the musical and pedagogical training of future teachers aimed at developing a set of skills necessary for the realization of the music education process at primary school are studied in the here presented research. The aim of the study is to present the finidngs of pedagogical research related to the assessment of musical-pedagogical preparation of Primary School Pedagogy students. Students’ results are presented at three levels of development of the musical and pedagogical training. The methods used in this research are student portfolio, observation of students’ theoretical and practical musical training and content analysis. An interpretation of the results of this research is presented in the conclusion.
Keywords: musical and pedagogical training; portfolio assessment; educational technology
Penka Marcheva
University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” – Branch Pleven (Bulgaria)
The Educational System of Bulgaria
Absract. A comprehensive analysis of the educational successes of each era shows that the competitive advantages and strengths of an educational system do not inherit, on the contrary, they are created, created, built and put into practice in society, such as innovative innovations, through the activities of educational institutions. which is extremely complex. Current attempts to reform Bulgaria's education system are driven by a number of factors and reasons shared by a number of countries, both in Europe, the European Union (EU) and around the world.
Keywords: education system; effectiveness of education; pedagogical
Dr. Chavdar Milkov
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Learning by Action – Theoretically Justified and Hard to Apply in Practice
Absract. The article presents the pedagogical aspects and difficulties of the otherwise well-founded theory of the advantages of active learning in the scientific literature. Stepping on the extensive philosophy of education and the psychology of learning, this theory is widely popularized as a foundation on which modern education should take place. An attempt is made to summarize the main components of learning through action, as well as the difficulties faced by the Bulgarian teacher who seeks to include them in his or her specific work, also taking into account the requirements of the particular Bulgarian school environment at present. The transition to the new system of work calls for working upon personal qualities and demands toward the teacher, as well as for the theoretical and practical preparation of future teachers for their professional activity. The proposed solution to the problem of the difficulty in applying the theory of active learning is sought in the achievements of the world experience of teaching practitioners which could relate to our school reality.
Keywords: educational philosophy; learning through doing; teacher's professional qualities; constructivism; active participation of the students
Dr. Zlatka Zhelyazkova
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Form Tutor Time – Opportunity for Forming Intercultural Competence in Primary Classes
Absract. This article attempts to outline various possibilities of the form “tutor session” to form an intercultural competence in the elementary classes. The author emphasizes on the axiological parameters of this process and its realization in the real pedagogy practice.
Keywords: intercultural competence; primary school; form tutor session; elementary classes
Ms. Ekaterina Tomova
Sofia University
V. O. Sukhomlynsky Educational System as а Forming Basis for Personality Moral Qualities (On the occasion of the 100th birthday)
Abstract. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of V. O. Sukhomlynsky the article considers his cultural and pedagogical heritage, attempting to renovate the content of his views in accordance with modern educational problems. The purpose of the article is a theoretical review of educational and upbringing system of V. O. Sukhomlynsky as the basis for moral qualities formation of future specialists. The purpose and the tasks of the educational and upbringing system of V. O. Sukhomlynsky are analyzed in the view of patriotic education, which is the formation basis of national youth consciousness. The research allows concluding that the educational system of V. O. Sukhomlynsky is aimed at the inner world of a child; the scholar emphasized the importance for the youth to develop such moral feelings as love, responsibility, duty to their own people and their own conscious choice of moral behavior towards their homeland. The result of the formation of the youth national consciousness in the educational and upbringing system of V. O. Sukhomlynsky is the development of moral qualities, namely: tolerance, responsibility, humanism, patriotism and internationalism.
Keywords: educational system of V. O. Sukhomlynsky; upbringing; moral qualities; tolerance
Svitlana Surgova, Olena Faichuk
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ukraine)
Discussion as a Form of Education in Modern Universities
Abstract. The research is devoted to the actual problem of introducing new forms of education in higher educational institutions. The author of the publication, based on a large number of sources, studies the formation and development of discussions as a form of study in European universities, and also gives the results of the survey of Master Degree students and determines the main features of the discussion as a form of learning on their basis, namely: the content orientation of discussion participants’ self-realization; communicative basis; presence of a problem situation, logical construction: thesis – argument – refutation or proof of the thesis; organizational completeness. The research also identifies the main types of discussions (lecture-discussion, seminar with elements of discussion, „round table“ etc.) that should be used in modern educational settings.
Keywords: discussion; lecture-discussion; seminar with elements of discussion; round table
NadiiaVientseva, Anetta Omelchenko
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
Diagnostic Instrumentarium for Phonological and Phonetic competency Measurement as a “Key” for “Entering” into Bulgarian Writing at the Beginning of First Grade – Roma Students
Absract. A common problem that teacher faces in educating Roma students is the unsustainable and unsatisfactory development of oral communication skills in the official Bulgarian language as a second language of this group of students. A serious barrier is the phenomenon of “linguistic interference”, which, in turn, impedes the formation of phonological and phonemic competence, which guarantee a successful “entry” into Bulgarian writing. With this in mind, the article justifies the theoretically discussed issue. On this background, an approbated diagnostic toolkit is presented for measuring the phonological and phonemic competences as a “key” for “entering” into reading the official Bulgarian language as a second language – entry into first grade, Roma students.
Keywords: diagnostic instrumentarium; phonological and phonemic competencies; Bulgarian writing; Roma first graders
Ms. Aneta Dzingarova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo