Attitudes of Pedagogical Specialists to the Realization's Options of Alternative Educational Ideas and Approaches in a Contemporary Bulgarian Context
Absract. In recent years, are observed both interest and support, and examples for the implementation of various educational ideas and alternative approaches. One of these options is the activity of alternative schools. It certainly attracts the attention of specialists in the field of education. The article presents the results of a survey of attitudes of pedagogical specialists to prospects that education in alternative education programs reveals in a procedural and meaningful plan. Assessments were sought for the provided opportunities to motivate students to learn, to create a supportive learning environment, to build positive relationships between process-related persons.
Keywords:: alternative education; alternative educational ideas; alternative educational approaches; teachers' attitudes
Dr. Bilyana Garkova
Sofia University - Sofia, Bulgaria
Intercultural competence ASSessment – a tool to enhance competitiveness and self-awareness
Absract. The importance of studying intercultural competence (ICC) is increasing due to the large-scale impact of globalization on human society. It is important for academic and professional circles to know, however, that only the highest levels of ICC can lead to genuine intercultural dialogue and competitiveness. Intercultural competence starts with rising awareness for cultural differences, but evolves into an ever more complete perception of people as unique beings with own cultural repertoire that color their perception and behavior in any situation. Therefore, assessing the achieved level of ICC is essential. This article reviews different perspectives and analyzes an assessment model that is appropriate not only for assessment but also for the development of training modules and programs required to form high levels of ICC.
Keywords: evaluation of ICC; intercultural competences; intercultural education
Dr. Elena Blagoeva-Hazarbassanova
New Bulgarian University
Systems of Values in Education. Axiotopics
Absract. Conceptual platforms in education are founded on basic value models, on systems of values. If we want to educate in values, we must have certain visibility on the very essence of values and on their own system. In order to solve this problem, we must find out and establish the universe of values as their own region and deduce the grounding principle of their constitution. From this perspective, their role in the total project of humanity has to be highlighted. We offer the axiotopics as the deduction of values in their system – each of them with its own place, topos, in their universe. This search follows “the a priori determination of the will”, as the practical capacity, which Kant develops in Critique of Pure Reason. The goal although is different: to formulate the pure axiological principle and to deduce the table of values. This table is grounded on the valuable in unconditioned sense in the categorical fields of values which constitute the human wanting as such. The area of valuable in unconditioned sense is deduced and structured on Maslow’s theory of higher motivations as a sublime realization of a person and of the entire humanity.
Keywords: education; theory of values; universe of values; axiological principle; table of values; Kant; Maslow
Dr. Silviya Kristeva
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Comparative Methodological Analysis of Alphabet Books for the 1st Grade
Absract. The article is a comparative methodological analysis of all Grade 1 Alphabet Books in Bulgaria that were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2017. They are compared and contrasted by: the order of letter introduction, the presence of activities in respect to the three types of reading lessons, the introduction of letters in alphabetical order as well as in groups according to the phonological system of the Bulgarian language.
alphabet book for grade 1; comparative methodological analysis
Anna Georgieva
Sofia University
Study of Scientific Attitudes for Aggression and its Activities in School
Absract. The current work presents a study of some attitudes of high school students about the aggression and their knowledge of the subject. The article discusses some of the main features of the aggression and its manifestations at school. The concept of preventing and building tolerance in the educational environment is concerned. A questionnaire survey of 90 high school students was proposed to outline their attitudes about school aggression and the causes of its manifestations. On the base of the critical analysis of the research results, there are formulated conclusions and recommendations for a possible model of practical pedagogical intervention. This model involves working with pupils in order to develop and deepen social skills and competencies related to dealing with aggression and overcoming challenging behavior at school.
Keywords: aggression; school; social pedagogy work; pedagogical intervention
Dr. Gergana Maneva
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Concerned Difficulties in the Fourth Clocks in Reading with Understanding Text (Comparative Analysis)
Absract. The article is devoted to the difficulty of testing students in IV grade when reading strange text on which they complete a test consisting of open and closed questions. The study includes four-graders of two classes in order to make a comparative analysis of the results obtained during the study. The experiment showed that the students in the experimental group, due to the systematic work with different test variants, had significantly higher scores than their control classmates. Such a fact proves once again that the appropriate selection of exercises, tests and texts accessible to the age of the students in the relevant class greatly contributes to both the refinement of the reading technique and the perception, comprehension and application of the read information on a practical basis by completing mixed-type test questionnaires. Therefore, it is no accident that questions are also included in the test through which to express a personal opinion while adhering to the content of the text.
Keywords: reading with understanding; working with unknown text; test check
Dr. Iva Stamenova
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Adaptation of Foreign Medical Students in a New Sociocultural Environment
Absract. The focus of this report is on the level and the type of adaptation of foreign medical students (studying at Trakia University) to the new sociocultural environment. The study data is interpreted, and the following distribution is obtained according to six scales: adaptability, conformation, interactivity, depression, nostalgia and alienation. Аttention is paid to the four phases of the personality adaptation to the new sociocultural environment. The paper considers that the sociocultural (intercultural) adaptation is an adaptation of the foreign students to the conditions of the new sociocultural environment, i.e. to different values, norms of behavior, traditions and rituals. Тhe paper analyzes how the success of adaptation is determined by well-established methods and techniques that help to achieve social and psychological integration in the foreign culture without losing the cultural heritage. There are a number of essential functions of intercultural adaptation which are mentioned by the author. The paper also sets out very important factors determining the pace of adaptation.
Keywords: adaptation; education; foreign students; sociocultural environment
Ms. Ivelina Angelova
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Teachers Attitudes about Integrated Approach in Teaching
Abstract. This paper deals with an integrated approach in the modern education system. First, we examine the theoretical starting points and the conceptual definition of integrative teaching. Through the results of theoretical and empirical research, we have looked into the advantages and pedagogical implications of the application of integrative teaching. The aim of the study was to investigate if and how primary teachers perceive the possibilities and outcomes of using integrated approach in class teaching. The sample of N=159 primary teachers was surveyed with the use of a questionnaire. The results show that primary teachers have positive attitudes about the effects of using an integrated approach in regard to the quality of teaching and learning outcomes. The participants who work 13 and more years, feel more confident about the concept of an integrated approach comparing to those who work less than 13 years. However, we have not found a statistically significant difference in individual items in regard to the degree of education and years of work experience. The findings suggest that more attention should be given to the initial teacher preparation programs and that teacher educators should find ways to incorporate integrated activities in both theoretical courses and practice.
Keywords: primary teachers; integrated approach; attitudes; quality teaching
Emina Kopas-Vukašinović,
Aleksandra Mihajlović,
Olivera Cekić-Jovanović
University of Kragujevac (Serbia)
The Development of Metacognitive Competence of Students of a Profile School in the Foreign Language Natural Science Educational Process
Abstract. In modern conditions, the government of Kazakhstan puts more emphasis on the training of specialists in the field of fundamental sciences, in the natural sciences, for the effective cooperation of Kazakhstan on the world stage. Due to profiled training, students can develop their abilities and choose the subjects they need, training in profiled classes allows the students to study majors in more depth. A person develops his cognitive activity through the formation of his personal picture of the world in his native language as the main cognitive images and forms the picture of the world of “another linguistic society” on the basis of his culture. In this article, we describe the methods and results of an experimental study to determine the development of metacognitive competence among the students of the preparatory department of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
Keywords: foreign language education; metacognitive processes; natural science direction; profiled training
Madeniyet Akhmetova, Salima Kunanbayeva
Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages – Almaty (Kazakhstan)
Izka Derijan
South-West University “Neophyt Rilski” (Bulgaria)
About Access to Education of Students with Special Educational Needs
Jankova, Zh. (2019). Determinants in access to education of children
and students with special educational needs. Plovdiv:
Paisii Hilendarski University publishing
ISBN 978-619-202-513-7
Prof. Dora Levterova-Gadjalova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”