A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes of University Lecturers and Students towards the Distance Learning Platform Moodle in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Prof. Dr. Veselina Valkanova
Prof. Andreana Eftimova, DSc
Dr. Maya Stoyanova, Assist. Prof., Dr. Yordan Karapenchev, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The present study aims to study how the evaluations of the user interface of the Moodle platform evolve over time among its users at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”...
Project-based Learning for Social-emotional and Technological Skills through the Skills for Innovation Program
Prof. Dr. Galin Tsokov ,Dr. Alexander Angelov
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Mrs. Yoanna Mincheva
New Bulgarian University
Mrs. Reni Dimova ,Mrs. Maria Tsakova
Sofia University
Absract. Skills for Innovation is а program for secondary education established by the global company Intel...
The Media Literacy and the Teachers
Dr. Svetla Tsankova, Assoc. Prof.,Dr. Stella Angova. Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Maria Nikolova. Assist. Prof.
Dr. Ivan Valchanov, Assist. Prof.,Dr. Iliya Valkov. Assist. Prof.
Dr. Georgi Minev
University of National and World Economy
Absract. Media literacy is one of the key competencies and skills for living and working in the 21st century. Media literacy training is a life-long process, but it is of particular importance that it starts from early childhood, is continued and built on in secondary and higher education with the efforts of all formal and informal institutions and organizations...
Communication, Affect and Classroom Learning
Dr. Zlatka Zhelyazkova, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The report draws the attention at the value and importance of effective communication in the learning process...
Dynamics of Expectations towards Socio-personal Profile of the Primary Teacher
Dr. Milena Ilieva, Assoc. Prof, Dr. Anton Stoykov, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. Scientific studies are aimed to track the dynamic specific skills and abilities of the teacher before and throughout the pandemic period...
Educational Potential of Influencer Publications in the Aspect of Social and Intercultural Competence Formation
Ekaterina Tomova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article presents the results of a study conducted with 240 students from two schools in Sofia (Bulgaria)…
A Conception for Intermediality through Text and Music in the Education of Future Kindergarten and Primary-school Teachers
Dr. Desislava Siderova, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Diana Petkova, Assist. Prof.
Trakia University – Stara Zagora (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article examines the methodological foundations of courses included in the educational process of students from the bachelor’s and master’s programs in pre-school and primary-school pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria…
Philosophy for Children as a Method of Interaction in Situations of Religious Education in the Third Group in Kindergarten
Dr. Stefan Tonchev, Assist. Prof
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The article is based on the results of many years of practical experience and presents a working model of interaction in the process of religious education in the third age group in kindergarten and the methodology “philosophy with children” in a pedagogical context...
The Role of Productive Educational Technologies for the Formation of Mathematical Competence of Children between the ages 5 – 7
Dr. Yordanka Ilieva, Assist. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The article examines the productive educational technologies – construction and educational activities and their potential for the formation of mathematical competence with 5 – 7-year olds...