Digital transformation catalyzed by COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and solutions
Prof. Dr. Eliza Stefanova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article presents a case study of digital transformation at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, catalyzed by COVID-19 pandemic…
Academic Cooperation and Mobility: In the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Prof. Dr. Maria Stoicheva
Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In the article, through the prism of the analysis of the founding documents, policies and practices of the EU for the development of higher education, formulates and argues the author’s position regarding the strategic perspectives and prerequisites for internalization of higher education against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic…
Teaching in the Digital Age During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Prof. Dr. Madeleine Danova
Prof. Danail Danov, DSc.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The present paper evaluates the way the digital age has changed how we teach at higher educational institutions and how that has helped us to adapt quickly to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic…
Digitalization And Education In The Covid-19 Pandemic: Practices And Innovations In Higher Education System In Kazakhstan
Gaisha Mussina, Dr. Bayan Sapargaliyeva
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University – Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dr. Bakhyt Alipova, Assoc. Prof.
International Information Technology University – Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract. The article analyzes new methods and innovative approaches to the implementation of education in digital format, which are actively being introduced in higher educational institutions…
Distance Learning In The Context Of The Covid-19 Pandemics
Dr. Baktybek Keldibekov, Assoc. Prof.
Shailoobek Karagulov
Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (Kyrgyz Republic)
Abstract. In the article, the authors considered the forms of distance learning that were used during the coronavirus pandemic, analyzed the positive and negative aspects of distance learning…
Digital Universities: Features And Key Characteristics
Dr. Marina Skiba, Assoc. Prof.
Financial Academy (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Prof. Maktagali Bektemessov, DSc.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dr. Alma Turganbayeva, Assist. Prof.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract. The article discusses the phenomenon of “Digital Universityˮ. The goal is to identify the essence of this concept, its content, as well as the criteria for transformation into a digital university…
Features Of The Formation Of The “Self” Concept Of Students Using Digital Technologies During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Berik Matayev
Pavlodar Pedagogical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Prof. Dr. Kadisha Shalgynbayeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dr. Zaru Kulsharipova, Assoc. Prof.
Pavlodar Pedagogical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract. Modern psychological and pedagogical studies of professional training of undergraduate students in the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychologyˮ in online learning conditions increase the relevance of research in the field of the “Selfˮ concept…
Experimental Research Of Psychological Support Of Development Of Communicative Competence In High School
Kulyash Kozhamzharova
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Sholpan Mardanova
Turan University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Rauan Alibaeva
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract. In this article, we described an experimental study of the psychological support for the development of communicative competence of future specialists…
Teaching English Pronunciation During The Covid Pandemic
Dr. Snezhina Dimitrova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. It is often pointed out that pronunciation instruction, unlike many other aspects of language learning, is a very physical activity. In teaching the pronunciation of a foreign language, face-to-face tuition with an experienced, phonetically trained instructor remains the best option…