Editorial Board Members
European Funds and Higher Education Funding in Bulgaria
Absract. Higher education is a major area of public life that is designed to provide highly skilled human resources. Its development is directly connected to the financing of training, research and innovation costs. The aim of the authors is to study the level of higher education funding in Bulgaria and on this basis to outline the main trends and opportunities for increasing the funding from the European funds of higher education institutions. Some research methods to analyze statistical rows are used such as average values, basic and chain growth rates, etc. A few principal trends are marked and some recommendations for increasing European funding for higher education are indicated.
Keywords: higher education; funding; european funds; development of higher education institutions
Dr. Ivan Zhelev, Dr. Sevdalina Hristova
University of Economics – Varna
European and National Measures in Support of Public-Private Partnerships in Higher Education
Abstract. The improvement of higher education and its transformation into a source of economic growth and innovation is a shared priority for the EU countries. Public-private partnerships are a successful mechanism that increase and motivate the sharing of resources, knowledge and achievements in response to the underfunding of the higher education institutions and improves the efficiency and effectiveness in spending public resources. In the Bulgarian higher education sector, PPPs are an underutilized opportunity in key areas such as research and development and innovative cooperation between the universities and the business sector. In the context of the benefits of PPPs in higher education, the article summarizes the leading European instruments designed to enhance the role of universities in the area of research and innovation. By assessing the implementation of key existing opportunities at national level and summarizing the reasons for the “modest” local capacity for effective use of the designated funding, the article focuses on the need for establishment of an institutional environment that encourages partnerships.
Keywords: public-private partnership; higher education; benefits; regional initiatives; funding mechanisms
Krasimira S.Valcheva, Alexander I. Valkov
University of National and World Economy – Sofia (Bulgaria)
Contemporary Trends of Professional Training Specialists in the Economic Field at Higher Education Institutions of Poland and Ukraine
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the main tendencies of professional training of specialists in the economic field in higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, the methodology of the research is based on a complex-integrative combination of theoretical approaches of a number of sciences, in particular pedagogy, psychology, as well as general scientific methods of system analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization and under. Results – common modern tendencies of professional training of economic specialists in higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine (diversification of educational services; mass education of higher education; modernization of vocational training; humanitarianization of vocational education; internationalization of students and undergraduate students; transition from traditional concepts of vocational training to innovative; improvement of pedagogical component of higher education), and in values of different trends in training (training globalization, invigorating training, decentralization of management of the education system). Conclusions – Taking into account the mentality, conditions, time and tasks of higher education institutions of Ukraine and in order to reach world standards, a number of important steps should be taken to improve the system of higher economic education of Ukraine. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce a system of professional training of specialists in the economic sector; the link between training and continuity between theoretical training and the conditions for its practical implementation; passing different types of practice in leading financial institutions and enterprises of Ukraine and EU countries; development of academic and professional mobility; creation of research universities with the involvement of leading foreign experts.
Keywords: higher education; higher educational institution; trends of professional training; specialists in the economic field
Alla Zagorodnya
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine – Kiev (Ukraine)
Nadezhda Chernukha
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
Mariana Petrova
St.Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Inclusive Education in Pre-University Education in Romania a Case Study: The Eduform Project
Abstract. The first part of the paper presents the concept of inclusive education, its evolution and the main international and Romanian approaches that are the basis of the process of transition from exclusion to inclusion in schools.
The paper starts from the premise that the classroom teaching staff have a fundamental role in the process of inclusion, being responsible for the education of all the students. The attitude of teaching staff towards the inclusive education depends on their experience, their initial training and the existence of some forms of support in the classroom.
In order to meet the need of qualified teaching staff and support staff in the pre-university education, from disadvantaged schools, to be transformed into inclusive schools, it was initiated by the “Spiru Haret National Society for Education, Science and Culture” (SNSH) in partnership with the Mehedinți and Caraș-Severin County Inspectorates, the inclusive quality EDUcation project through lifelong professional training with the acronym EduForm, a project financed by the European Union.
The training programmes developed through this project are designed so that the skills acquired by the trained persons become adaptable for the inclusion of all students in the mass education.
Among the achievements of this project is the fact that the activities that will be developed by teaching staff, the support staff and school managers through the project, will lead, in the future, to change the mentality regarding the students in vulnerable situations. A viable school-parent-community partnership will be created, teaching staff will be increasingly involved in activities with children, and local authorities will be closer to schools seeing the improvement of the school situation of students and the quality of education implemented in these and will support through various ways, in the future, these schools.
Keywords: inclusive education; disadvantaged schools; continuing vocational training; education for all; risk of social isolation
Roxana Stefanescu
Spiru Haret University (Romania)
Project-Based Learning and Teaching (Moscow Polytech Experience)
Abstract. This article describes the experience of implementing project activities in the study at the Moscow Polytechnic University. Project activity was built into the schedule of the 1st semester without any preliminary preparation and included the statement of the problem, development and final presentation of the project. The development of professional skills was in parallel with the work on the project. This type of work led to the most desired result – an independent solution of the task, the main activity that higher education is called to teach. The character of teaching and excellent results gave us the basis to see the correlation with suggestopaedia principles.
Keywords: project activity; suggestopaedia principles; student-oriented learning; practical problem solving; positive teaching
Marina Kurbakova
Moscow Polytechnic University (Russia)
The Holistic Approach in Teaching Social Pedagogy Students
Absract. The material presents the application of the holistic approach in the preparation of students from pedagogical specialties for work in an inclusive environment. Students' personal experience builds not only on knowledge. The resource of exercises in several learning subjects is used to explore the difficulties children and the elderly with disabilities experience in their attempts to live a full life. The conclusion is that the training of pedagogical specialists, and why not other professionals, is completed and adequately applied in practice if it is done in the light of the needs of those who use their services and products.
Keywords: holistic approach; inclusive environment; personal experience
Dr. Tzveta Delcheva
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Knowledge as a Factor of the Bulgarian Digital Competitiveness
Absract. In the conditions of digitalization, there are huge changes in most spheres of economic and social life. There are significant accelerated changes in knowledge, technology, the country's readiness to adapt to innovative ideas and applications, to full transformation. In these circumstances, the problem of competitiveness is very up to date. There is a need for a new clarification of knowledge as a factor for Bulgarian digital competitiveness and for analyzing the leading criteria for it. In this regard, the object will be digital competitiveness, and the subject will be the knowledge factor with the criteria for its measurement. The thesis is that improving the level of the knowledge factor leads to a higher digital competitiveness of the country.
Keywords: knowledge; competitiveness; digital competitiveness; digital competitiveness ranking
Dr. Maria Todorova Marikina
University of National and World Economy
Digital Skills of the Marine Industry Specialists. Development Trends
Absract. Increasing digital competencies is one of the processes that are evolving in every industry. The development of technologies in marine platforms also leads to the logical need for changes in the training of service persons. For the purposes of this transformation and the development of new skills, the curricula of seafarers in the cross-section of digital competencies have been analyzed and a solution to meet the new realities has been proposed based on the analysis.
Keywords: digital competencies; marine specialists; curriculum; information and communication technologies
Dr. Yordan Sivkov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Varna. Bulgaria
Assisting Devices and Technologies in Inclusive Education
Prof. Dr. Pelagia Terziyska
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”