Уважаеми читатели на списание „Стратегии на образователната и научната политика“,
Уважаеми колеги и съмишленици от сферата на образованието и науката,
Поемам отговорността за едно от най-авторитетните издания на Националното издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“ към Министерството на образованието и науката. Още от 1993 г. списание „Стратегии на образователната и научната политика“ се развива и утвърждава като авторитетен форум за научни дискусии по актуални въпроси на висшето и средното образование в България, Европа и света, политиките за образование и наука и техните стратегически измерения и проекции, иновативните образователни практики и приносите към развитието на образованието и науката.
Списание „Стратегии на образователната и научната политика“ винаги е било и ще продължава да бъде верен глас и съюзник на обективната научна истина за проблеми и предизвикателства, които могат да намерят решение само чрез срещата на различни гледни точки и толерантния диалог между хората и институциите, ангажирани с образование и наука.
В днешния век на авангардни информационни технологии и комуникации без граници, образованието и науката повече от всякога са призвани да изпреварват хода на времето и да предлагат работещи решения за посрещане на предизвикателства, като:
– ускорена дигитална трансформация на висшето и средното образование;
– постигане на съответствие на образователното съдържание с потребностите на дигиталните поколения и подготовката им за професиите на бъдещето;
– модернизация на висшите и средните училища в страната и повишаване на тяхната конкурентоспособност на световния пазар на образователни услуги;
– увеличаване дела на научните иновации по въпроси от глобално значение и промяна на образователната и научната парадигма в посока интер- и мултидисциплинарност;
– увеличаване дела на проектното финансиране в образованието и науката, насърчаване дейността на интердисциплинарните международни екипи и утвърждаване авторитета на българското образование и наука на световната сцена чрез значими проекти в предстоящия нов програмен период 2021 – 2027 година.
Досегашният опит и сериозните ни постижения в образователната и научната сфера доказват, че дори и в извънредни условия, както в случая с глобалната пандемия от COVID-19, българското образование и наука имат огромен потенциал за иновативни решения в полза на обществения прогрес.
Както и досега, списание „Стратегии на образователната и научната политика“ ще се стреми да бъде „на първа линия“, да предоставя форум за анонсиране на смели идеи и дискутиране на научни предизвикателства, да дава път на нови визии и стратегически приоритети, да задава верния тон чрез научно потвърдена информация и да провокира плодотворни дискусии за бъдещето на образованието и науката.
За да постигне това, списанието ще продължи да разчита на своите автори и авторитетната си международна редакционна колегия, на които искам да благодаря за всеотдайния труд и творческите усилия.
Нека заедно да утвърдим и развием високия международен рейтинг на списание „Стратегии на образователната и научната политика“. Успехът на науката и образованието на XXI век са наше общо дело, кауза и мисия, които се постигат от съмишленици!
Чл.-кор. проф. д.т.н. Христо Белоев
Главен редактор на списание „Стратегии на образователната и научната политика“
Promoting Cooperation Between Higher Education Institutions And Business
Abstract.This article examines the role of higher education institutions and businesses in creating and disseminating
innovation. The dynamics and the relationship between innovation and key macroeconomic indicators for economic growth, the labor market and income inequality in Bulgaria and the EU have been empirically examined. The results show that
the perceived direction of development of the EU and Bulgaria, in the context of innovations – science, scientific achievements and public innovative approaches and policies – has a positive impact on economic growth and the labor market.
Keywords: economic growth, competitiveness, innovation policies, public policies, labor market, universities, cooperation, inequality
Dr. Dobrinka Stoyanova, Assist. Prof., Dr. Blaga Madzhurova, Assist. Prof. Dr. Gergana Dimitrova, Assist. Prof., Dr. Stefan Raychev, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Quality Of Educational Product In Higher Schools And Building The Public Image
Absract. The subjective perception of quality of the educational product offered by the higher schools (HS) invariably has
a decisive importance and plays a significant role in the process of forming/changing a certain public image for the educational institutions. The goal of the current paper is to present results from a pilot research conducted among students at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” as part of a project on the subject of “Strategy for building the public image for the University of Plovdiv”. Particular emphasis is placed on the relation components of the educational product – perception for the public image of the HS.
Keywords: marketing in the system of higher education; public image
1) Dr. Teofana Dimitrova, Assoc. Prof., 1) Prof. Dr. Velin Stanev, 2) Dr. Iliana Ilieva, Assist. Prof
1) Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”
2) University of Food Technologies – Plovdiv
Тhe Education In “Navigation” Specialty At Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy In The Terms Of Covid-19
Absract. The introduction of distance learning in the educational system of Republic of Bulgaria is a process that has emerged as a result of the development of educational technologies around the world. In some sectors of education, the formal transfer of existed experience would not achieve the expected result. In maritime education and training, attempts have been made to replace some traditional forms of teaching with modern online methods. A number of researchers have expressed a positive attitude towards web-based courses, on-board training using animation tools and more. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions involved in primary maritime education to accelerate the application of new methods. The present study aims to establish the attitudes and perceptions of students and professors from Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy for the quality of the conducted three-month online training in specialized subjects for deck officers. The summarized results are taken into account when planning the new steading year.
Keywords: distance learning; computer based education; online education; COVID-19
Prof. Dr. Blagovest Belev, Prof. Valeri Stoyanov, DSc.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
The Need Of Digital Skills For For Successful Professional Realization Of Students
Absract. There is a growing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in all areas of social and economic life. Proof of this is the introduction of innovative technologies in various production processes, the effective electronic services offered to businesses and citizens, management using cloud computing, Big Data and artificial intelligence, the implementation of distance learning, and networking of people.
Настоящата статия разглежда значимостта на дигиталните умения и необходимостта от притежаване на основни цифрови умения, защото цифровите технологии чрез влиянието върху иновациите, икономическия растеж и пазара на труда променят вида на необходимите дигитални умения на гражданите не само за успешна професионална реализация, но и за участие в обществения живот и поддържане на социални контакти.
This article examines the importance of digital skills and the need of basic digital skills. Digital technologies have a perceptible impact on innovations, economic growth, the labor market and the type of digital skills for citizens that are necessary not only for successful professional realization but also for participation in public life and maintaining social contacts.
The text presents data from an empirical study which focuses on operational and information digital skills (according to classification of Van Dijk) as a main prerequisite for successful professional realization of students in the higher education system. The method used for data collection is a questionnaire constructed in accordance with the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.1).
The authors present analysis of current students' digital communication skills including interaction through technology, sharing information and content, using online resources for educational purpose, and the level of digital skills acquired through various educational activities. The need for improvement of digital skills is outlined, development guidelines are given to help adapt the educational process to the new requirements of the digital economy.
Keywords: digital skills; communication; digital transformation; digital competences
Dr. Slavyanka Angelova, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Lyubomira Hristova, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
On The Necessity Of A Multidisciplinary Approach To The Teaching Of Medical Ethics
Absract. The current article raises questions about the ways in which medical ethics is taught in medical schools. The aim is to prove the advantage of a multidisciplinary approach that integrates theory and practice, philosophical and scientific knowledge. Following an analysis of the experience of countries such as the US, UK, Canada, etc. regarding the different ways of teaching the discipline, the advantages of this method are evident. Regulations in Bulgaria are also taken into account. Based on this analysis, it is concluded that ethics training must begin as a theoretical preparation at the beginning of the course, develop as part of clinical practice, and continue as postgraduate training of practicing medical professionals.
Keywords: medical ethics; deontology; education; medical ethics curricula
Dr. Veselina Slavova, Assoc. Prof.
Medical College
Medical University „Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov“
Professionally Important Qualities of the New-Type Teacher
Abstract. The motivation of the authors is based on the belief that the years of schooling are very important for the young and adolescent person. During this period some very important physiological and psychological changes occur in the personality. It is the time for the formation of personal qualities and moral virtues, social competences, revealing the uniqueness and potential of each person, the development of creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship. The formation of these so valuable to the human personality qualities is highly influenced by the interaction of the students with teachers of a new type. These are teachers possessing a large set of personal and professional qualities dedicated to the mission to devote their lives to educating future generations, producing creators of the human progress.
The article presents the results of the author’s study conducted with students from different educational stages, with students from the pedagogical specialties and with practitioners. The research methods used are: pedagogical study, test, content analysis, correlation analysis, pertinent analysis and range scaling. It was found out that the teacher of the modern times is called upon to carry out his or her professional activity in harmony with the permanently changing world. He is required to be adaptable, creative, a good professional, a creator. He or she cannot fully fulfill his or her professional roles in the new reality unless being led by love for the children with whom he or she interacts professionally or if is not devoted to the profession he or she practices.
Keywords: teacher; professionally qualities of the teacher
Maria Teneva, Zlatka Zhelyazkova
Trakia University