Dr. Valentina Sedefcheva, Assist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
University of Nish
Absract. The subject of this study is the reception of Bulgarian literature within the Serbian cultural domain. The objective is to examine the presence of Bulgarian literary texts through various mediums such as standalone books and anthologies, the national specialized periodical press, and publications by the Bulgarian minority, and to analyze the characteristics of the book market and publishing policies in Serbia. Based on this analysis, the study aims to derive specific conclusions regarding the Bulgarian literary model within the foreign yet closely related Serbian literature. Employing a pluralistic scientific approach, this research integrates a
diachronic overview of the emergence and consolidation of Bulgarian literature in
Serbian culture from the National Revival period to the last decade of the 20th
century. Concurrently, it examines the Bulgarian literary model over the past three
decades within the context of the established tradition. The standardized interview
method is also utilized as a tool for scientific inquiry. The findings suggest that the representation of Bulgarian literature within the aesthetics of Serbian cultural
tradition is extensive yet insufficiently representative and does not entirely align
with the canon in the national cultural sphere.
Keywords: Bulgarian literature; Serbian culture