Dr. Natalia Bondarenko, Assoc. Prof.
Yevhen Rozdymakha
Dr. Lyudmila Oderiy, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Anatoly Rozdymakha, Assoc. Prof.
Donbas State Pedagogical University – Slovyansk (Ukraine)
Dilyana Arsova, PhD student
St. Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Problems of morality have not lost significance in all times of human existence, but contained different accents in social manifestations. Modern anthropocentric tendencies of social life have also changed value orientations, because material values, human self-presentation in society, the desire for recognition as a manifestation of self-worth, somewhat level the spiritual, moral and ethical, cultural values. Therefore, consideration of the tasks of educating the moral culture of in a multicultural space is significant, especially today. The education of the moral culture of student youth in the spirit of universal ideals begins in early childhood, which is an important stage in human development. After all, at this time the necessary skills begin to form, such as: thinking, conscious perception of the world around and one’s own place in it, communication with other people. The task of moral culture of student youth in a multicultural space is to build a process of transformation of socially significant norms, principles governing relationships, universal moral values into individual qualities and the formation on this basis of children’s views and beliefs. The main attention is paid to emphasizing the importance of educating the moral culture of youth at the university in a multicultural space. The paper analyzes the scientific literature on the need for the process of educating the moral culture of youth at the university in a multicultural space. Methodical recommendations on successful education of moral culture of youth at the university in multicultural space are offered. It is concluded that the education of moral culture of student youth in a multicultural space is an organic part of the inner world of man and the world around him. This process determines the ethical, aesthetic, ideological values and norms, traditions, habits of the individual. It is manifested in lifestyle, behavior, thinking, attitude to work, the environment. Education of moral culture of student youth in the conditions of multicultural space in education is called to prevent formation of the one-dimensional person.
Keywords: moral culture; moral education; morality; multicultural space; polycultural space