Dr. Teodora G. Ilieva, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Education
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The publication examines several lexical and stylistic fragments, which are fundamental for deciphering the linguistic handwriting of the understudied talented hymnwriter and storyteller eonomost Dimitar Petkanov, brother of the famous writer Konstantin Petkanov. The source of the excerpted material are volume 2 (April – June) and volume 4 (October – December) of the hagiographic tetralogy „In the year of our Lord“, written until 1956 and published by the author’s heirs in 2016 – 2017. An illustrative text has also been isolated from the poetry collection „Solar Songs“ and the autobiography “A Book about My Brother”. The purpose of the study is to highlight the lexical and stylistic methods which the original lyrical excerpts created by the poet are constructed. The three aspects analyzed are: the poetic vocabulary, the rhetorical tropes and figures used; sixteen of the occasional units; six of the author's key concepts (God, rapture, health, honey, light, darkness).
Keywords: Dimitar Petkanov; poeticisms; tropes; figures; author’s neologisms; concepts