Stanislav Pandin, PhD Student, Dr. Gencho Valchev, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The article focuses on some issues of a practical nature related to the implementation of activities for general and additional support for personal
development of children and students in kindergartens and schools in Bulgaria. The
authors hereby express their personal position based on discussion comments by
deputy principals, teachers and other pedagogical specialists, during trainings on
inclusive education in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Emphasis is placed
on the modern dimensions of inclusive education, as well as on specific features of
the activities of pedagogical specialists in their work with children and adolescents.
The philosophical concept of inclusive education at present in the context of
normative documents and practice is presented. The article does not claim to be
Keywords: general and additional support for personal development; activities; inclusive education