Dr. Teodora Dimitrova, Milka Komitova
Acad. Ludmil Stoyanov Foreign Language High School - Blagoevgrad
Absract. This article represents an interactive binary lesson that took place in 90 minutes with students from the eleventh grade of Language High School “Akad. Ljudmil Stoianov”, Blagoevgrad. It shows a combination of informational technology, music (the transition between the different parts is piano music and the recital is accompanied by a violin) and Bulgarian language and literature. It also has the characteristics of a conference lesson, because it consists of texts of the students, their literature teachers and DSc, Prof. Tsvetan Rakiovsky. The preparation of the recital relies on out-of-school activities (acting school, led by missis Julia Djivdjorska, an actress in the “N. Vaptzarov” theatre. Having taken place in honor of the 100-th anniversary of the death of Hristo Smirnenski, the lesson included projects, consisting of a Power point presentation and a text prepared by a team of two students. Teachers and students switched their roles, and the parents watched the presentation of their children.
Keywords: interactive binary lesson; conference lesson; poetic recital; out-of-school activities