Polina Dimitrova
Alexander Georgiev-Kodzhakafaliyata Primary School
Absract. The article presents a lesson, which main purpose was to present data by tables and diagrams using computer program Excel. A test for defining the personality type of each student was made in advance by the school psychologist. On the basis of the collected data, the students had to make tables with the personality types of the class and also fill in the results during the lesson. The students also had to prepare column diagram using the information from the table deciding the design on their own. The purpose of this exercise was to check the ability of the students to use in practice their knowledge about the type of diagram they had already learned in previous lessons. The second type of diagram that they had to prepare was the
pie. They had to use a format that shows the percentage of each sector. The goal of
this exercise was to bind their knowledge from 5th grade with a future material they
will learn in 6th grade about the pie diagram, and how to draw it. At the end of this
exercise the students had to check if the percentage of the sectors coincides with the
real number of people with that personality type and to conclude by themselves if
the percentage was rounded or not.
Keywords: statistics; diagram; table; personality type; analysis