1) Elena G. Tareva 1), Elena Porshneva 2), Indira Abdulmianova
1) Head of Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow City University
Moscow, Russia
2) Higher School of Translation and Interpreting
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Abstract. The interdisciplinary aspect of Language teaching allows it to always remain in the active phase of its development. This communication aims to analyze the variants of coexistence of the acquired knowledge of several sciences in the organization of the teaching of modern languages. The authors study the epistemological origins of the current processes guiding the functioning of the teaching of French as a foreign language, analyze key concepts, which emergence is due to the combination of ideas from different fields, and share experiences of teaching French based on the interaction of avant-garde approaches. The recourse to the theory of language activity, cognitive and discursive sciences, emerged in this new anthropocentric paradigm where the learner is placed at the center of the educational process, reshapes the methodological pillars of the didactics of FFL, namely its object, its objectives. , its content and methods. At the same time, these areas offer tools for building a language teaching system best suited to current axiological values.
Keywords: language teaching; interdisciplinarity; anthropocentric educational paradigm; education axiology