Dr. Elena Getova, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The present text reviews the newest book by the authoritative researcher of Bulgarian literature of the Revival period and longtime lecturer at Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv – Associate Professor Yulia Nikolova, PhD. Her book, titled Fathers and Sons. A Branch of Svishtov’s Shishman Family Tree, is
dedicated to the 160-th anniversary of the birth of Professor Ivan Shishmanov. The
study teases out not only the life of the famous researcher and politician, but also
the lives of his father, Dimitar Emanuilov Shishmanov, and his son, Ivan Dimitrov
Shishmanov. The review focuses on a few key topics from the book, discusses the newly uncovered archive papers the author presents, and comments on the original
contributions of the study.
Keywords: Yulia Nikolova; Fathers and Sons (book); Dimitar Emanuilov Shishmanov; Ivan Dimitrov Shishmanov; Dimitar Ivanov Shishmanov; city of
Svishtov; the Shishman Family Tree