Prof. Dr. Mária Dobríková
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Absract. The first part of the article is focused on theoretical side of the process of idiom creation and on defining terms word motivation and idiom motivation.
In the second part of the article the concept water is analyzed within the Slavic linguistic area from the aspect of imagery, mythology and ethnolinguistics. Special attention is paid to the motivation of creation and cultural-idiomatic information carried by non-verbal idioms with the structure of determinative syntagma, which contain the component water. Based on the analysis of the idioms, whose constant structural element is in addition to the noun water an attribute, it is pointed out that in several of them the function of the attribute is crucial, because the connotationalpragmatic constituent of an idiom binds precisely to that attribute, as for example in the case of жива вода or тиха вода units.
Keywords: concept water; imagery; mythology; linguistic view of the world; idiom creation; idiom motivation
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