Radostin Grigorov, PhD Student
Sofia University
Absract. The article outlines the relations between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Bulgarians in the 14th century. It is divided into three parts.The first part examines the relations between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Tarnovo, and an attempt is being made to present not only the cases of opposition between the two institutions, but also the interaction and spiritual ties between them. The second part presents the relations between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Bulgarians in the context of the political and ecclesiastical life in the Balkans in that period. The third part presents the relations of the Patriarchate of Constantinople with high-ranking Bulgarian clergy, who developed most of their activities outside the Bulgarian lands. They are evidence of the spiritual growth and influence of the Bulgarian Church before its destruction, as well as an example about the traditional contacts of the Bulgarians with the
Byzantine Church.
Keywords: Patriarchate of Constantinople; Bulgarians; Patriarchate of Tarnovo; opposition; spiritual connections; church life; clergy
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