Dr. Teodora Valova, Assoc. Prof.
Medical university – Pleven
Absract. The current article represents some research in the drawbacks and violations of placing the correct word stress by foreign students, coming from other Slav countries, while reading in a loud voice. What is being analyzed is the pedagogical observation as well as the statistical public inquiry that took place between 2017 and 2021 among 54 M.Sc. students from the Department of Medicine
at The Medical University – Pleven. All relevant data, based on the research work, differentiate into subcategories the fluctuations in the application of the accent norm. The results from the priority arrangement as regards the five factors, having an impact on the correct oral output, have been summarized according to their difficulty rate from 1st to 5th grade. In
the teaching programme, the necessity for distinct accent rules and regulations has
been duly reasoned. It is very important, within each and every module, for one to
offer additional lexico-grammatical exercises and phonological assignments which
could facilitate teaching the Bulgarian word stress and automate its precise use in
the verbal communication for medical purposes.
keywords: mastering a second language; word stress; medical students; Slav