Dr. Maya Vasileva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Pervasive digitization in a school context does not simply imply a new way of teaching and learning, it is projected into the learning content and into the lesson. In this sense, what are the prospects for teaching geography? The relationship between digital technologies and geospatial relationships has long been debated, i.e. the new perception of spatial configurations, new spatial practices,
new geographical distribution of digital infrastructures. Digitization, by itself,
cannot project the development of modern geographical science and geography
in the classroom, however, it offers opportunities for a critical approach to basic
geographical concepts, to modern diagnostic assumptions in geographical science,
to current geographical localizations. In this sense, the article systematizes and
presents a critical analysis of the issue, more specifically – outlines the relationship
between digitalization and school geography in Bulgaria in several steps: 1) outline
the key characteristics of the digital common culture, considering the digital not
as technical, but more soon as a social and cultural phenomenon, 2) outlining
the relationship between digital and geography, referring to some current models
and 3) outlining the projection of this relationship in the normative base and the
information-methodological resource of school geography in the Bulgarian school.
Based on the analysis, the need for additional and more in-depth studies on the issue
is proven.
Keywords: digital revolution; general digital culture; digital geographic culture