Dr. Mariyana Ilieva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. After the end of WWII, Bulgaria became a part of the Eastern Bloc for a long time. Under the strong influence of USSR, the communist regime was imposed in Bulgaria and the country’s political, social and educational structures were radically changed by the ideology of this regime. The transformation in all educational institutions turned them into a strong factor in the building of socialism
in Bulgaria. This reflects on the higher pedagogical education and the nature of the
of the teachers’ education, especially their pedagogical competence. The aim of this
research is to present the processes of the transformation and the imposition of a
new concept for the content of higher pedagogical education. The research is based
on the original documents for educational policy and practice. The research centres
on the characteristics of the communist (socialist) pedagogy. The detailed analysis
shows that the political realities influence the conceptual set-up and functional goals
of higher pedagogical education.
Keywords: история, педагогика, социализъм, университет, педагогическо образование