1. Akad. Vasil Golemanski, DSc. 2. Prof. Zlatozar Boev, DSc.
1 Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Researchs – BAS
2 National Museum of Natural History
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. The most important moments of the life of the noted ornithologist and environmentalist Nikolay Boev are presented. His most significant and versatile contributions to the popularization of the nature protection idea, natural science knowledge, and scientific contributions to the study and protection of Bulgaria‘s animal world are outlined. One of his bright individual abilities - the ability to draw – is also presented. Nikolay Boev is among the first scientific illustrators in Bulgaria. It is little known that he was also a talented cartoonist.
Keywords: Bulgarian naturalists; Nature conservation; Natural history illustrators; Balkan ornithologists; History of Bulgarian zoology