Dr. Ivan Valchev, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The festivals in honor of Jupiter, celebrated in the Roman province of Lower Moesia, have not been studied extensively. Fourteen precisely dated Latin inscriptions have been analyzed for this purpose. The 13th of June is defined as a fixed feast in the calendar of vicus Quintionis, and probably to one more village in Northern Dobruja. Most of the monuments were dedicated on different days and it is impossible to determine whether they were consecrated on a holiday in honor of the god. Some villages in Dobruja, such as vicus Secundini, vicus Clementiani and vicus classicorum performed regular, perhaps even annual dedications to Jupiter, but the day of the consecration of the altars is not specified in the inscriptions. The cyclic recurrence of this act presupposes observance of a certain
holiday calendar with a fixed festival of Jupiter.
Keywords: Jupiter; Lower Moesia; Roman religion