Dr. Tsvetelina Vukadinova 1),
Prof. Dr. Eng. Senia Terzieva2),
Dr. Eng. Juliana Javorova, Assoc. Prof. 2)
1) University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” Sofia, Bulgaria
2) University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
Absract.This article examines the results of a study in the discipline “Technical Mechanics”. This study was conducted among 1st and 2nd year students from the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM), vocational field 5.10 “Chemical Technology”. This paper is the continuation of a previous experiment conducted by the authors, and concerning the study of thesaurus and development of language competences among students from engineering specialties. The present study was conducted during the past academic year at the UCTM. A multilingual educational tool was developed and applied
in order to support and improve the learning process in specialized foreign language classes. The motive is to ascertain the effectiveness of the experimental educational tool for the students.
Ключови думи: рdevelopment of language competences; multilingualism;
specialized foreign language; engineering specialties