Dr. Ekaterina Ivanova, Assist. Prof.
"Angel Kanchev", University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
Absract. The wide popularity of the STEM approach and its varieties worldwide necessitated the introduction of its concept into modern education. The technological world we live in requires that society, especially adolescents, possess digital skills and competencies to fit into the new realities. As one of the possible
reasons, we could point to the need to train personnel for the ‘professions of the future’, exercised by specialists possessing complex skills and the opportunity to apply them at the workplace.
The publication describes a conducted STEALM lesson for pupils in the 3rd grade. The design, the stages, the criteria for the assessment of the activities, and the analysis of the results of the conducted observation are presented, to develop the potential for applying the STEM approach and its variants in the primary level of education in Bulgarian schools.
Keywords: STEALM; elementary school; lesson; fundamental skills; teamwork