Dr. Rumyana Neminska, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. If education is seen as a construct of society, it clearly distinguishes two basic foundations – the social and the research ones. The article attempts to perform a scientific-theoretical reading on the interactions between these two constructions in several directions: their interdependence and development in the context of the European vision for the development of higher education; as influencing on the paradigmatic models of practical educational activity in an academic environment; as synergistic interactions that give rise to new multi-paradigm orientations in higher education. The theoretical study presents contemporary scientific understanding of the holistic and synergistic influence between paradigms as scientific models, and the understanding of a number of authors for their application in scientific and academic development. As a leading modern scientific paradigm, the synergistic paradigm has been brought forward.
Keywords: higher education; paradigm; multi-paradigm