Dr. Evgeniya Topolska, Assoc. Prof.
New Bulgarian University
Absract. The academic expectations of bachelor students regarding the didactics lecture course are a factor in the formation of motivated and creative teachers. The thesis is supported that if there is a correspondence between positive academic expectations of the students and the real learning process at the university, the students are motivated and participate actively. In this study an author‘s
questionnaire about the academic expectations of students in the didactics lecture course is used. The analysis of various tools for assessing students‘ academic
expectations showed that questionnaires structured by thematic areas are most
often used. In the present study, the questionnaire is structured in three modules,
corresponding to the three components in the system of expectations – cognitive,
affective and conative. The current research has a practical orientation - the author‘s
questionnaire should serve as an analysis of the students‘ academic expectations in
the context of improving the lecture course on didactics.
Keywords: academic expectations; components of academic expectations; students; lecture course; didactics