Dr. Despina Vasileva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This paper presents a survey among students aimed at identifying levels of media and digital citizenship when working in an online environment. The task of the study is to examine which types of behaviour are typical for students when working with media texts in terms of the degree of sensitivity to
media texts, the degree of reflection on civic issues, the degree of reflection on the
distribution and content of media texts. 101 students from metropolitan schools
participated. The questionnaire consisted of 47 statements, using a 5-module scale
for assessing agreement in the following groups: ‘Civic culture and attitude to civic
participation’, ‘Preference to reading and problem solving’, ‘Working with media
texts in Bulgarian language classes’, ‘Self-assessment when working with media
texts’, ‘Attitude to media’. The results show: students’ lack of interest in political issues; preference to read short texts; lack of confidence in distinguishing credible
from non-credible information.
Keywords: media culture; digital civic culture; Bulgarian language education; research