Диана Петрова
Първа частна математическа гимназия – София (България)
Absract. This article deals with situations related to solving arithmetic math problems. It is found that there is a lack of mathematical knowledge to adequately deal with standard arithmetic calculations in an electronic environment. The cases mentioned focus attention on the actuality of the relations mathematics-informatics-information
technologies in education. The situations discussed in the article are related to solving mathematical problems in the process of training in informatics, information technologies and computer modeling that are solved in an analog environment. In the process of e-learning, these situations are challenges that can provoke additions to current levels in established taxonomies. Or to give view and direction to a new and
up-to-date revision of existing ones' models of known taxonomies in the field of education.
Keywords: таксономия, когнитивни таксономии, релевантност; електронно обучение, Moodle, информатика, информационни технологии, ревизия на таксономия
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