Prof. Dr. Silvia Nikolaeva
Sofia University
Absract. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study based on a systematic scoping review that aimed to identify and analyse approaches to explore and model ecosystem dimensions of education. Seventy-six publications indexed
in the Scopus database from the period 1999-2024 were selected and analysed.
The results demonstrate that the study of educational ecosystems is based on mixed
paradigm approaches combining constructivist and connectivist principles and
constructs, and their modelling integrates two sets of characteristics - structural and
value-functional - in a leading way. Structurally, the underlying ecosystem centres
on school and higher education, lifelong learning and business-oriented learning.
In value-functional terms, the guiding priorities are digitalisation, inclusion, good
governance, innovation and sustainability.
Keywords: educational ecosystems; systematic review; paradigm; research, modelling