Dr. Yordanka Nikolova, Assist. Prof.
Maria Naydenova, PhD Student
Sofia University
Absract. This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of approaches
for practical modelling of educational ecosystems, understood as integrating
autonomous systems and actors in the field of education into unified functional
networks. The methodology of the mixed-methods study combines conceptual
content analysis of a selected sample of 121 thematically related publications
indexed in global databases in the period 2005 – 2024 with case study analysis
covering 51 educational practices in the Bulgarian and international context. The
implemented comparative analysis allowed to identify the main conditions and
factors facilitating the transition from systemic to ecosystemic modelling and
functioning in the educational sphere. The results of the content analysis of foreign
models and practices allowed to formulate identified potential opportunities for the
adaptation of global practical models of educational ecosystems in the conditions
of Bulgarian education.
Keywords: educational ecosystems; comparative analysis; case analysis; conceptual content analysis; modelling