Prof. DSc. Valentin Kanawrow
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. The post-global is a synthetic project of being with existential vectors. It concerns the essence of human existence. It is here a priori theorized, traced transcendentally, and ontologized in the necessary unity of human experience. The post-global is a cyclical relative ontologem, a transition from a global age to an age that does not have yet a clarified being-generating essence. It represents the immanent decay of a certain age. In this case: the collapse of the ontology of the spirit. That is why ideologies are extant in it above all. The post-global is a
permanent dynamic between a passing type of globalism, the current decline and an
absent to-be, which, however, has an inter-epochal scale. It is marked by retrograde
forces and influences. The post-global does not and cannot have its own name. Therefore, it is a gap in which only alienation reigns. Kant’s transcendental project,
developed in a non-conservative formal-rational perspective, offers a possibility of
an ontological balancing of the post-global in an existential horizon.
Keywords: post-global; decadence; ideologies; alienation; transcendental; Kant