Borislava Petrova
“Vasil Levski” Secondary School – Elin Pelin
Absract. At the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, the school system of Bulgaria implemented a strategy of student self-government through the Student Council. The goal is for students to actively participate in school life. The proposed management system aims to give a different insight to the new generation. The article examines from a psychologist's point of view the problems that different generations face in our common life path. The goals and brief strategy of our high
school are presented in order to achieve maximum results in relations, guidelines
and perspective in the growth of generation Z. Our main task that we have set
ourselves is that our students become not only good specialists in their professions,
but also good people. In this dynamic age, teachers and their students need to find
an intersection for proper communication, understanding and problem solving in
various situations. Efforts should be made to give clear signals when setting various
tasks. At “Vasil Levskiˮ Secondary School, we have high goals so that our high school graduates can be competitive on the labor market. We strive to achieve all this through student management at all levels.
Keywords: school system; student self-government
Generation Z; communication