Iconography of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 – 1878 on Postcards of the Early XX Century
Abstract. The article analyzes the illustrated postcards of the early twentieth century as a source of the iconography of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 – 1878 and the objectives of the worldview of Bulgarian and Russian societies in the early 20th century. It is emphasized that during 1902 – 1912 the postal cards, dedicated to the events and participants of this military conflict, were repeatedly published in Russia and Bulgaria. It was found that the most popular were postcards with views of battle paintings by V. Vereshchagin, M. Dmitriev-Orenburg, O. Popov and others. It is determined that the theme of this war was relevant until 1912.
Keywords: the Russo-Turkish War; postcard; graphic source; battle painting; graphics
Sergiy Kopylov, Iryna Paur
Kamianets-Podilskiy National Ivan Ohiienko University (Ukraine)
The Imporance Of Being Honest. On The History Of Bulgarian Economic Culture 1879 – 1944
Absract. The article presents an analysis of honesty as an important aspect of the Bulgarian economic culture. The focus is on the transition from the Bulgarian Revival to the nation state and the subsequent period 1879 – 1944. The main conclusions are synthesized in two hypotheses. The first is that the transition from Ottoman rule to an independent nation-state is associated with a decline of honesty and integrity in economic life. The second hypothesis points to the low level of honesty and mutual trust in relations between economic agents on the one hand and between economic agents and the state on the other as one of the important reasons for the lack of visible and long-lasting economic success in Bulgaria during the period 1879 – 1944.
Keywords: Bulgaria; honesty; economic development; economic culture
Prof. Pencho D. Penchev, DSc.
University of National and World Economy
The Spanish Royal Statute (1834 – 1836)
Absract. El Estatuto Real is a piece of legislation passed in the Spanish monarchy in 1834, representing a “donated” charter, which does not derive from the principle of national sovereignty, but on the contrary – represents the benevolence of the monarch to his subordinates. Although the text of the decree lacks a description of the rights of the population, does not contain a clear and comprehensive definition of the prerogatives of the various authorities, it should be noted that it puts an end to the theoretical principles and ideological statements of the Ancien Régime. Thе article analyzes this document, which presents the moderate liberal views, and in our opinion is an elegant attempt to strike a balance between the traditional principles, institutions and attitudes of the Catholic monarchy, while presenting Spanish society the opportunity to begin building a limited monarchy where the principles of liberalism are largely imposed.
Keywords: El Estatuto Real; Royal statute; constitution; liberalism; The Spanish Monarchy; separation of powers; national sovereignty
Ms. Iva Yaneva, PhD student
Sofia University
The Bulgarian XIX Century: New Sources And Interpretations
Review of the scientific monograph „The Bulgarian 19th Century: New Sources and Readings“, Sofia: „Za boukvite / O pismeneh“. 2019. 232 p.
Sofia: „Za boukvite / O pismeneh“. 2019. 232 p.
Prof. Vera Boneva
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
Sofia, Bulgaria
August 1980
Prof. Dr. Hab. Jerzy Eisler
Institute of National Remembrance
Warsaw, Poland
Absract. The Warsaw Commitee of the Polish United Workers Party (PZPR) was one of the biggest regional party commitees constituting the middle level of the party apparatus. The wave of strikes in summer 1980 surprised both the country leaders and regional party structures. In face of critical situation, the Warsaw Committee’s absurd strategy was to pretend that nothing much was happening. At that time a lot of party members gave up their membership
PZPR; Warsaw Committee; Edward Gierek; Alojzy Karkoszka; Solidarity; strike
Dr. Andrzej Boboli
Institute of National Remembrance
Warsaw, Poland
The First National Congress Of Delegates Of “Solidarity” – A Lesson Of Democracy
Absract. Established in September 1980, NSZZ “Solidarność” was not only a trade union, but also a great social movement, and a school of democracy for its own members. Starting from the democratically elected works committees, through regional authorities, to the national management - the National Coordinating Commission, the apogee of this social movement was the 1st National Congress of Delegates of NSZZ “Solidarność” which took place in the autumn of 1981.
Keywords: NSZZ Solidarity; PZPR; National Coordinating Commision; Lech Wałęsa; Gdańsk
Dr. Grzegorz Majchrzak
Institute of National Remembrance
Warsaw, Poland