Grand Vizier Köprülü Mehmed Pasha’s Fortifications along the Northern Black Sea Coast
Assoc. Prof. Mahmut Halef Cevrioğlu, PhD
Izmir Katip Celebi University (Türkiye)
Abstract. Ottoman historiography has focused on the construction activity of the Grand Vizier Köprülü Mehmed Pasha with reference to the castles he got built in Western Anatolia…
Bulgaria in the War Plans of the Kingdom of Serbia (1903 – 1912)
Prof. Aleksandar Životić, PhD
University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Аbstract. The paper analyzes the geopolitical and military circumstances of the emergence of Serbian war plans created in the event of a Serbian-Bulgarian military conflict, based on unpublished archival sources kept in the Military Archives and relevant historiographical and memoir literature…
The Roots of the Turco-Iranian Synthesis: the Origin of the Bulgarians According to the Ottoman Historian Shukrullâh
Assist. Prof. Delyan Rusev, PhD
Sofia University
Abstract. The origin and ethnogenesis of the (Proto-)Bulgarian tribes in the Early Middle Ages is a complex topic that has captured the imagination of many historians, medieval and modern alike…
The Learning of Ivan Drasov in Pisek and Prague
Denis Ivanov, PhD student
Sofia University
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to clarify the prerequisites, character and duration of Ivan Drasov`s teaching in the Czech cities of Pisek and Prague…
An Attempt at Historical and Legal Analysis of the Activities of the VI Section of the So-Called People's Court in March 1945
Mario Todorov
Central State Archives
Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract. The aim of this article is to reveal the judicial and extra-judicial factors of the trial of the VI section of the “People’s Court” in Sofia, held in the spring of 1945…
A New Study Concerning the Byzantine-Bulgarian Relations in the Early Medieval Epoch
Dr. Yanko M. Hristov, Assist. Prof.
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
A Monograph on British Politician Lord Henry Palmerston and His Impact on the Crimean War (1853 – 1856)
Dr. Albena Simova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
History Lesson through Active Learning Methods
Dr. Mirena Legurska, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University