Vasil Levski, the Committees and the Trial in Sofia in the Light of an Unknown Report of March 1873 of the Special Judicial Commission
Prof. Orlin Sabev, DSc.
Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Tracology
Institute of Balkan Studies with Centre of Thracology “Prof. Al. Fol” - BAS
Abstract. The article deals with a hitherto unknown report of the Special Judicial Commission, which in late 1872 and early 1873 conducted the trial in Sofia against Vasil Levski and his companions…
Bulgarian Political Elite in XIX Century – Evolution in the Ottoman Context: Dimitraki Bey Teodorov’s Case
Dr. Nikolay Todorov, Assoc. Prof.
Regional historical museum – Silistra
Abstract. As a result of the reforms undertaken by Sultan Mahmud II continued by his son Sultan Abdulmejid I, the social structure of the Ottoman Empire was significantly changed…
Business Relations between Commercial House “Hadji Mincho H. Tsachev and Company” and the Tapchileshtovi Brothers in the Context of their Joint Trading Activity in Buffalo Hides
Dr. Veselin Goranchev
Centre for Economic History Research
Abstract. The current publication aims to present information about one of the hitherto unexplored in-depth topics in the business relations between trading company “Hadji Mincho h. Tsachev and Druzhie” and the Tapchilestovi brothers, namely for the connections between them in the trade in buffalo hides….
Diplomatic Activity between Byzantium and the West/Papacy on the Eve of the Crusade of Vladislav III Jagello and Jan Hunyadi in 1443 – 1444]
Prof. Ivayla Popova
Sofia University
Abstract. The article traces the diplomatic contacts between Byzantium and the West/Papacy in the period after the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1439) until the Battle of Varna in 1444…
The Earth Will Sink and the Heavens Will Be Torn Asunder: Apocalyptic Prophecies Related to Rome’s Fall from the Orthodox Faith (According to “The Tale of How Rome Fell from the Greek Orthodox Faithˮ)
Dr. Kristiyan Kovachev
Institute of Balkan Studies with Centre of Thracology “Prof. Al. Fol”
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article examines the polemical anti-Latin writings “The Tale of how Rome fell away from the Orthodox Greek faith” (according to manuscript TSIAI 1161) and “Word of how Rome fell” (according to manuscript SANU 147) in the context of the theme of apocalyptic prophecies and the expectation of severe, but God’s just punishment for sins committed.
A Monograph on the Crimean War (1853 – 1856) in European Context
Dr. Albena Simova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Academic Conference between Trauma and Triumph: 150 Years since the Birth of Winston Churchill
Dr. Lubomir Krastev, Assoc. Prof.
University of Sofia