The Historical Surveys (1984 – 2011) Of The Electoral Laws And The Electoral Process In Pre-Communist Bulgaria
Absract. The article analyzes the historical surveys concerning the elеctoral regulations and the competition between the parties at the parliamentary elections in Bulgaria from the Liberation (1878) to the WW2. The reasons of the lack of scientific interest in the years of the communist rule are pointed out. The revival of the competitive elections since 1990 brought about for the growth of the surveys concerning the Bulgarian electoral past. There are some gaps, however. Yet many issues are unresearched.
Keywords: History of Bulgaria; parties; elections; electoral systems; electoral laws; historiography.
Dr. Svetoslav Zhivkov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Members Of The Bulgarian Diaspora In Alexandria From The Second Half Of The XIX Century (To The Liberation)
Absract. The article analyses the educational, cultural, national and political challenges in front of the Bulgarian diaspora in the Romanian town Alexandria from the second half of the 19th century to the Liberation of Bulgaria – keeping the native language, upbringing the young generation in patriotic spirit, relations with the countrymen who remained on the other side of the Danube, inclusion in the national liberation movement. The names of teachers, doctors and other representatives of the Bulgarian emigrant intellectuals who combined their professional activities with intense socially useful activity are mentioned. Part of them turned into notable names in Principality of Bulgaria after the Liberation.
Keywords: Bulgarian diaspora; Alexandria; teachers; doctors
Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc.
Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov University
8010 Burgas, Bulgaria
Cavaliers Of The Order Of Courage In His Majesty's Navy
Absract. The article presents research on the Military Order of Courage and Soldiers' Cross for bravery of His Majesty's Navy during the Balkan Wars and World War I. The interest is focused on the conditions in which the ship's crews and shore units were assigned in solving combat tasks, the scale of force of the forces in counteraction to a repeatedly superior opponent, the contribution of the most prominent of them to success, and the assessment that was given to them. The award-winning Naval Officers are presented as an association of professionals and like-minded people who have built an organic society of the Knights of Courage.
Later periods of activation of the Military Order are shown in fragmentary form.
Keywords: World War I; Navy Sailors; Military Order; Awarded
Prof. Yancho Bakalov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Varna. Bulgaria
Civic Education – A New Challenge To History Teaching
Absract. Starting from the school year 2020/2021, the Bulgarian school will begin studying a separate subject “Civic Education”. Previous practice has provided that civic education at school should be realized through its integrated study in general subjects, among which “History and Civilizations” played a leading role. The purpose of this publication is to analyze and predict whether, in the new situation, the place of history of students' civic education and their formation as citizens will be maintained or weakened.
Keywords: civic education; history teaching; socialization; political culture; human rights education; democratic values; cultural identity
Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Paev, DSc.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
European Integration Of Greece (1955 - 1981)
Absract. This article studies Greek European policies and the country's strife for European integration, the negotiations and the obstacles it goes through from 1955 until the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the European Community on 28 May 1979. The role of Konstantinos Karamanlis and the geopolitical situation at the moment are identified as major factors in Greece becoming the first Balkan country to join the EU community at the very beginning of its expansion. The article also examines the attitudes of the Greek political parties and the reactions of the Greek society throughout the various stages of the European accession policies of the ruling government.
Keywords: Greece; European Economic Community; European Union; Economics; Geopolitics; Konstantinos G. Karamanlis
Ani Istatkova-Ivanova
Sofia University
Providing Studying Rooms and Hostels for Students of Pedagogical Educational Institutions of National Minorities (20 – 30s of the XX Century)
Abstract. The article deals with the situation of providing studying rooms and hostels for students. Difficult economic situation in the country caused slow growth of the studying space. It has been proved that rooms unfit for the teaching-learning process were given to institutions. The author having used rich database proves that it was too difficult to provide lodging for students, especially in the 1920s. Most institutions of higher education did not have their own hostels. Part of student dwellings was in the buildings unfit for living. It has been shown that living conditions were improving gradually during the 30s of the 20th century. The greater part of hostels was poorly furnished and there was not enough linen. Studentship living in boarding-schools had to follow the rules of residence. At the same time, it often happened that student rooms were unsanitary. Most hostels had no bathhouses, laundries, and barber shops.
Keywords: student; institute; technical school; hostel; furniture; bathhouse
Oleksandr Komarnitskyi
NANVO Academician of Ukraine
Liudmyla Komarnitska
Podillia special training and rehabilitation social-economical college
Economy, Society And National Ideology: A New Look At Plovdiv During The Revival Period
Lyberatos, A. (2019). Plovdiv during the Revival Period: Transformation, Hegemony, Nationalism. Sofia: IK “Gutenberg”, 752 p.
Dr. Svetla Ianeva, Assoc. Prof.
New Bulgarian University
Contribution to the history of higher education in economics in Bulgaria
Rusev, Iv. (2020). The Higher School of Commerce – Varna (1920 – 1945) and the Beginnings of Higher Education in Economics in Bulgaria. Varna: University of Economics Press “Science and Economics”, pp. 264
Prof. Pencho D. Penchev, DSc.
University of National and World Economy
Webinar “Economic Conditions For The Formation Of The Bulgarian Political Elite (Following The Example Of Evlogi And Hristo Georgievi)”
Ms. Kirila Atanasova
Sofia University