The Second National Assembly: Elections, Establishment, and Composition
Prof. Milko Palangurski, DSc.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Dr. Hristina Hristova
State Military History Archives - Veliko Tarnovo
Abstract. The Bulgarian parliamentary system came into being with the formation of the First National Assembly in the fall of 1879. Political inexperience, constitutional opposition, as well as disagreements between the monarch, parliament and executive led to the first political crisis in the country, which had several possible outcomes…
The Rise of Jubilee Diplomacy: The Shipka Selebrations of 1902
Dr. Tina Georgieva Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Abstract. Grandiose celebrations took place in 1902 in Bulgaria on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the epopee of Shipka. The idea for the celebration belongs to the “Tsar Osvoboditel Alexander IIˮ Committee…
The Mission of Johann Jakob Kurz von Senftenau to Constantinople (1623 – 1624) and the Challenges for the Habsburg Diplomats on the Bosphorus after the Long Turkish War
Dr. Aneliya Stoyanova
Institute for Historical Studies
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract. Lasting for over a decade, the Long Turkish war (1593–1606) temporarily disrupted the diplomatic contacts between Habsburgs and Ottomans….
Museums, Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria from the Middle to the End of the 20th Century. Main Moments of the Historical Development and Problems
Dr. Vidin Sukarev, Assist. Prof
Plovdiv History Museum
Agricultural University Plovdiv
Abstract. This study presents the background of cultural tourism in Bulgaria. There are a lot of definitions of tourism, but everywhere in the leading places is mentioned the cultural heritage…
Research of The Balkans during the Comnine Age
Prof. Dr. Ivayla Popova
Sofia University
Scientific Conference and Scientific Publication on the Topic of the Factors of Economic Growth in Historical Perspective
Emilia Vacheva, Assist. Prof.
Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria)