1)Gorica Popovska, 2)Filip Popovski
1)International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovic Derzavin” –
Bitola (Republic of North Macedonia)
2)St. Kliment Ohridski University – Bitola (Republic of North Macedonia)
Abstract. Upbringing as a procedure of creating humans mind and character has always profoundly influenced the youth. Quality teachers are considered to be those individuals whose pedagogy is grounded in values and beliefs that lead to caring positive teacher-student relationships, embedded in trust and high standards of professional ethics. This study explored Macedonian teachers’ attitudes towards introducing Ethical education in the primary education and their competencies for developing students’ moral and ethical values. A Likert scale was used to determine teachers’ attitudes towards interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Research showed that the initial teacher’s education is not enough for quality pedagogical work. Teacher’s ethics contains moral norms regarding his behavior in society, attitude towards students, towards colleagues, towards his own work. The practice implemented by competent teachers is an ideal environment and model for developing the knowledge, skills and abilities that support the ethical concept. Teachers needed continuous professional development throughout the participation in seminars, trainings, courses, and projects that will provide them with the necessary information, knowledge and skills and enable them to compete pedagogically in the field of: intercultural and multicultural education, democratic education, inclusive education, ethical education, global education.
Keywords: ethical education; students moral; ethical values; teacher competences
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