Dr. Antoaneta Angelacheva, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The inquiry-based approach in science education is the main tool for the formation and development of key knowledge, skills and attitudes. Among the eight equal key competences are skills to support sustainable development and healthy lifestyles. They are related to the acquisition of ecological knowledge, formation of skills for environmental protection and for healthy lifestyles, building of attitudes to the environment. The article presents an attempt to use the inquiry-based approach in specialized chemistry education to enrich the system of knowledge, skills and attitudes related to environmental protection. A laboratory practicum with experimental research tasks for soil analysis is developed. A diagnostic test to establish the appropriateness of the created practicum is carried out. A criterion test to diagnose students’ cognitive achievements in the experimental groups is created. The test results show that the inclusion of experimental research tasks in the laboratory practicum positively influences on the development of ecological knowledge, skills for their implementation in different cognitive situations and attitudes towards the environment.
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