Basic Literacy Training Program For Children With Severe Physical Disabilities
Dr. Ekaterina Todorova, Assoc. Prof.
New Bulgarian University
Absract. This article presents a part of the work of the developmental project for literacy acquisition (reading and writing) for children with severe physical disabilities. These children are characterized by very difficult or impossible language performance by spoken language...
Project-Based Learning Of Ecology
Prof. Zdravka Kostova, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The possibilities of students learning ecology by means of developing projects based on ecological observations and experiments in nature were studied...
Bulgarian School – Showcase of Identity
1)Veska Gyuviyska, 2)Nikolay Tsankov
1)South-West University „Neofit Rilski“ (Bulgaria)
2)Trakia University – Stara Zagora (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The text was built on the concept of “showcase of identity” developed by the French ethnologist Jocelyne Bonnet-Carbonell. In the context of this metaphor, the types of identity of Bulgarian school have been described in a postmodern perspective…
Critical thinking as the main goal of university education
1) Dr. Zlatka Vakleva, Assist. Prof., 2) Prof. Dr. Tonya Georgieva
1) University of Plovdiv “P. Hilendarsky”
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2) Agricultural University Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Absract. Pedagogical research examines the conceptual emphases of critical thinking in the context of university education. This development is a contribution to the discussion on the problem of critical thinking as the main goal of the educational process at the university...
Nurseries – Supporting Environment For Early Child Development
Гергана Маркова
Medical university – Pleven
Gergana Petrova
Медицински университет – Пловдив
Absract. We highlight the influence of nurseries with the following article as an appropriate and supportive environment of an excellent foundation on early childhood development...
Anxiety And Aggression Among Children With Emotional And Conduct Disorders – A Case Study
Dr. Katerina Zlatkova-Doncheva, Аssist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. Current study reserach anxiety and aggression behaviors among children with emotional and conduct disorders by a case study...
Online Contest “Mathematics and Art” for the Development of Key Competencies
1)Neda Chehlarova, 2)Georgi Gachev
1)University of Forestry (Bulgaria)
2)Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The online contest “Mathematics and Art” is organized by Tonediko since 2015. Participation in it creates the opportunity to develop almost all key competences….
The Teachers’ Role in Developing Student’s Moral and Ethical Values
1)Gorica Popovska, 2)Filip Popovski
1)International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovic Derzavin” –
Bitola (Republic of North Macedonia)
2)St. Kliment Ohridski University – Bitola (Republic of North Macedonia)
Abstract. Upbringing as a procedure of creating humans mind and character has always profoundly influenced the youth…
The Study of Educational Programmes as a Way of Effectiveness of Moral Education of Preschool Children
1)Tatyana Ponomarenko, 2)Jeļena Badjanova
1)Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine)
2)Daugavpils University (Latvia)
Abstract. Moral education of preschool children is a focused process of their initiation of moral values of mankind (humanism, kindness, humanity, justice, mercy and altruism) and stimulation of manifestations of empathy, sympathy and support in people’ world…
The Choice Of A Bulgarian Language And Literature Textbook For Primary School. And About The Process Of Teaching
Georgieva, A. (2020). Contemporary Dimensions of Bulgarian Language
and Literature Teaching Process in Primary School. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 472 p., ISBN: 978-954-07-430-3
Пенка Кънева
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Stress Control. Psychological And Management Views
Stoyanov, V. (2020). Upravlenie na stresa v organizatsiyata. Psihologicheski i
upravlenski rakursi. 198 р., Varna: Steno, ISBN 978-619-241-119-0
Prof. Yancho Bakalov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
20 Years Scientific Forums Of Association Of Professors From Slavonic Countries (Apsc)
1)Инна Федотенко, 2)Нели Бояджиева
1)Тулски държавен педагогически университет „Л. Н. Толстой“ (Русия)
2) Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Absract. There is solid tradition already two decades in the beginning of the new school year in Creative Home of Sofia University in Bulgaria at Вlack see town Kiten, to make scientific forums – International conferences organized from Association of professors from Slavonic Countries (APSC)...