Bogdana Koneva, Maria Shabanova
Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V. Lomonosov (Russia)
Abstract. The aim of this article is to present the theoretical model for the construction of tasks in improving financial literacy in algebra course at school and to submit the economic and mathematical game based on the developed model.
At the state level, a number of important documents have been adopted on the formation of financial literacy of schoolchildren, various measures are being implemented to solve this problem. Despite this, today the tasks presented in the school mathematics course do not fully solve the issue of increasing the level of financial literacy. In the course of work on the creation of a theoretical model for Teaching mathematical foundations of financial literacy, an analysis of Russian textbooks on mathematics was carried out, federal regulations and international standards were studied.
Our analysis allows us to assert that there are not enough tasks for the formation of financial literacy skills in the school course of mathematics. In addition, these tasks form initial knowledge in the financial sector. Also, the tasks are of the same type and often affect only two areas of handling finance. These are purchases and loans. Also, the tasks of the school mathematics course correspond only to the first level of the PISA standard.
Thus, it became obvious that it was necessary to develop a theoretical model for the construction of tasks in improving financial literacy in algebra course at school according with the System (frame) financial capability for school age pupils and PISA diagnostic model.
Keywords: financial literacy at algebra course; theoretical model; mathematical tasks; PISA; economic and mathematical game