Prof. Halyna Bilavych
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)
Prof. Nataliia Bakhmat
Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University – Kamianets-Podіlskyi (Ukraine)
Prof. Tetyana Pantiuk, Prof. Mykola Pantiuk
Drogobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko – Drogobych (Ukraine)
Prof. Borys Savchuk
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)
Abstract. The article analyzes the communicative activity of those students who have difficulties in mental development, as a condition for organizing an educational environment for children with special needs. It was concluded that the inability to communicate with school peers, teachers, and adults affects the organization of an inclusive educational environment (hereinafter – IES) for children with special educational needs (hereinafter – SEN). An example of creating an IES in an elementary school is offered. Specific difficulties that hinder the development of communication (communicative skills) among children aged
7 – 10 with limited health opportunities have been identified. The importance of game activities in the process of organizing an educational space for children with special needs is emphasized. An original author’s method of formation of communication skills of students with SEN is proposed, which was based on the key provisions of the pedagogical system of the Italian scientist, doctor, teacher, civic activist, and organizer of educational institutions around the world M. Montessori. Creating an inclusive educational space for children with special needs, we programmed situations where students would develop self-care skills (dressing and undressing, changing shoes, cleaning, dusting, sweeping, taking care of flower pots, taking care of flower beds). Educational materials developed by M. Montessori were shown to the children. The teaching methods proposed by the scientist were also updated. The author’s method of formation of communicative skills of students with SEN provided for various forms and methods of learning, both traditional and innovative (project activity, competitions, dramatization, discussion, public performances, didactic games, etc.). The peculiarities of the functioning of the IOP under the conditions of distance learning caused by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic are characterized. It is emphasized the importance of organizing the game activities of students with SEN as one of the conditions for the successful functioning of IES in the school. The risks posed by online education for children with SEN are highlighted. It was concluded that the process of forming communication skills in students with SEN under the conditions of quarantine restrictions and online learning will become more effective if group work is established (if possible) in the learning process in the classroom and proper pedagogical assistance is provided to the student with SEN at home.
Keywords: inclusive education; children with special educational needs; communication skills; inclusive educational environment; forms and methods of inclusive education